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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Integration of client machine details

Serg 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3 2 duplicates

I am requesting to show additional client machine info on the general panel. I know there's a extension for this functionality already ("Additional General Information"), but it would be great to be implemented within the ScreenConnect software and (here's what's not available today) is to make that information searchable. I would say the service tag is the highest priority as searching for that would be greatly helpful.


Add in a visual notification to the Host page when a chat is received (such as a message bubble icon)

Michael Legato (Support) 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

Partner is requesting that a visual notification be added onto the Host page whenever an unread chat message is present on a session (such as when it's received).



Support session: Reboot and reconnect for Guest on Mac

Michael Legato (Support) 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Partner would like the ability to have the Guest client for support sessions automatically restart after reboot on the Mac OS.


anonymous 7 years ago

This request is marked as complete because we added the option to Reboot and Reconnect in Normal Mode in the Java client. The option is only available in Access sessions. Unfortunately, we could not implement the feature for Support sessions because the support guest client does not run as a service, making it technically not possible/permitted to execute the reboot command. We've also found that the guest support client cannot be elevated to a service level.


Under Review

Modify recording feature

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Sean Keown 2 years ago 5 2 duplicates

Partner asks to modify the recording feature to provide the option to record all available displays, or just the display(s) the host is actively viewing.


Mobile Apps: Supporting IOS and Android

Jason Price 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 7

because lack of access, how about a screenshot every 5, 10 seconds to automated and sent to the supporter, so they can then confidently support the supported with a visual aid instead of attempting to remote control. This would go along way to help us to support IPad and Tablets using both Mobile OSs

anonymous 8 years ago

A New iOS app is being released in Q2 that will give these functions and more. We're putting some finishing touches on it now. Android already offers these features, view only for Lollipop+, and full control for Samsung devices. Here's more information: https://help.screenconnect.com/Using_the_Android_client#Connecting_to_an_Android_device

Under Review

Allow guests to elevate sessions during support-/access sessions

Christoph Galuschka 9 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 8 years ago 8 1 duplicate

Currently guests are not able to elevate sessions on the host (i.e. after the host allows control to the guest). It would be usefull to also allow the guest to elevate sessions, not only the host.

Mike Bannerman 8 years ago

@Christoph - The Host Pass feature is the fix for your issue. The host pass should be generated for the machine being serviced and passed to your external user. The Host (external user) when connected to a session with a Guest(internal user) without Admin permissions would need to send a CAD at the beginning of the session to elevate: https://help.screenconnect.com/Controlling_Windows_UAC_dialogs. Any UAC prompt that appears before this happens would have to be cleared by the Guest or the Host would have to wait for UAC to timeout (120s, i think). Your suggested method technically skirts our licensing model, so it is doubtful that we'd give host privileges to guests in a reverse screenshare.


Add ability to change size of controls on SC for bigger displays (4k)

anonymous 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 1 1 duplicate

Partner requests to be able to control the resolution and size of controls on SC for 4k display.

Considering for Future Release

Programmatically store username and password

Jerry Shredder 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 6

Request: We would like to be able to programmatically store username and password as part of a deployment process.

Our goal is to be able to deploy a system that a screen connect user can connect to without having admin interaction.

Under Review

be able to install ScreenConnect.ClientSetup on limited user account

ITSoft Saiz Tour 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

Would be very usefull to be able to install ScreenConnect.ClientSetup on limited account users.

Cause for example, I control many offices where all the users are limited, and they do not have access to install aplications or modify sistem preferences.

This can be done with Logmein, you can send the installer to the limited user, and they can install it simply making a double clik, without any user intervention.


Considering for Future Release

Command Quit occurs for both remote session and also ScreenConnect App

Kent 9 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 15

When you are connected to a remote client and type 'Command + Q' to quit the app they are in - it quit's the app :) but, it also quits the ScreenConnect App as well.

Can we change the "'File Menu → Quit command + Q" for the Screen Connect App - so that when you are controlling a remote client (who is also on Mac, though not important), there's no Command + Q option (or, change it to command + shift + Q option).

