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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Visual Indicator for when Input is Suspended

Darren White 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

When connecting to an session with "Suspend My Input" enabled by default or when switching between sessions, you may not realize that input is being ignored. When interacting with the window for a session where input is currently suspended, could this be indicated?

Examples: Could a notice be shown on the top of the screen, or the screen be given a "ghosted" appearance, or the mouse pointer be changed to indicate input is blocked (a Red X, a Circle with a Strikethrough, etc.)? Perhaps a mouse click could generate a "thud" or splat sound, or an animation of a tomato hitting a wall?

Pending Review

Show All Users in a "security role"

Sean Keown 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

View all users that are in a particular security role. 

Pending Review

NVIDIA Quadro M4000 compatibility request

mike jones 5 years ago updated 4 years ago 3

We are seeing an issue on PC's that have the NVIDIA Quadro M4000 graphics card with Windows 10 (did not verify other Windows versions, this is just the one we are seeing it on) and ConnectWise Control version 19.x.

We have a CWC connection to the PC, it responds to commands from CWC, but the screen is black.

When you open a corresponding LabVNC session, the keystrokes and mouse movements from CWC are passed through to the desktop.

Blanking the customer screen does not solve the problem, still black.

The only fix is to set the display adapter to Microsoft Basic. 

Since our clients who use this graphic card need it for 3D imaging, we can't make that change without disrupting their office workflow.

Is it possible to update CWC or configure it so it is compatible with this graphic card please?



Connect Directly to Backstage from Automate

Fred 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

It would be great to have an option to connect directly to Backstage in the Automate plugin.

Pending Review

Response Header Extension

GaryD 5 years ago 0

I need to add the extension listed in this post to my on prem Control server. However it now needs to be signed.

Please add this extension to the market place so it can be easily installed.

Signing up for a cloud account, requesting developer access (which the request process is currently broken, ticket 11878822), create the extension, wait for it to be signed, download it, install it to on-prem is a very long process for something that should be very simple.


ScreenConnect Client update - actually update from web interface

brian 5 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 2

When you join a session, and a new "ScreenConnect Client" is available, the client will prompt to update. 

If you choose to update, it will always fail. I'm told by a support agent, that this is because the client is currently running.

The error provided is "This install has incomplete information to connect. If you originally deployed under group policy, this installer package must also be deployed under group policy"

Clearly the update process needs improvement. IF the tech is correct, then it needs to auto-close open clients so that it can perform the update, or the update package needs to simply be corrected.

Sean White 5 years ago


Server updates can be manual or automatic (in the case of cloud instances), but updating your agents must be done via the Host page or via their original deployment method (for example, GPO).

Pending Review

customHeaders extension

pcheung 5 years ago updated by Greg Moyses 4 years ago 1

We would like to have more function add to the extension "X-Frame-Options" or similar have another extension, or instruction how to add below to all web pages.

Currently the X-Frame-Options only adds one required option "SAMEORIGIN".

For 3rd party auditing scanner software, they actually required below extensions to be add to any web sites for a pass.



<add name="X-Frame-Options" value="SAMEORIGIN" />

<add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="default-src 'self';" />

<add name="X-XSS-Protection" value="1;mode=block" />

<add name="X-Content-Type-Options" value="nosniff" />



Please advise how to add above to any web pages, or help to improve the extension "X-Frame-Options".

We tried it, it works fine, only it can only add one of above.

Under Review

Would love to have the ability to notify on a failed login attemp! As soon as possible would be GREAT!!!

sdrexel 6 years ago updated by dperez 5 years ago 2

Seriously need this!! All of our other apps offer this functionality. 


Alphabetize Users in "Select Logon Sessions" Section

Chris H 6 years ago updated by Katarina 5 years ago 5

When many user sessions are active on a terminal server, it can be very difficult to find the right session because they are not in any meaningful order. Please alphabetize the names of the logon sessions.