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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Multi-Monitor on different window

arioux 6 years ago updated by Rix0001 4 years ago 3

As of my knowledge, there's currently no way to split a multi-monitor remote connection into multiple window.

This features would help a lot to manage multi-monitor connection.

When the remote users have a more than one monitor it scales down the dimension of our connection and it's hard to manage efficiently.

Considering for Future Release

Please add Multi-Window support to the Android app on Chrome OS

Kellyn Delgado 6 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 5 years ago 2

The improved mouse and keyboard support works very well in the Android app on Chrome OS. But I would like to see multi-window support so I can bring up the session chat and other sessions in their own Window. It's pretty annoying having to switch back and forth between the remote screen and chat in the same window. At the very least, let the chat open as a side panel in the session window. Thanks, keep up the great work!

Considering for Future Release

Clean login page

Les Begnaud 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

If all local authentication methods are disabled, the Login page should not include a username and password section. 

We have converted to only using SAML authentication, and it's a point of confusion to have a login field when there's no methods enabled that use it.

Considering for Future Release

Restrict Access to HostPass users

Chris_W 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 4

When sharing a Host Pass link to a 3rd Party Supplier we dont want to give them full control over everything.

The main thing for us is to remove their ability to switch between the "Logon Sessions".

We have had an instance where a supplier thought it would be easy to just flick through the sessions to see if someone was using his application so that he could close it. You can imagine the panic it caused the users.

There are many other things that would be useful to be able to restrict for HostPass sessions


Admin/Technician logon auditing

MChristophers 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 6

It would be incredibly useful to have a logon auditing ability so we can see when a technican/administrator has logged onto the web administration portal. information like;

Username used

IP Address

Time + Date

It allows us to audit whether our technicians are logging in out of hours, and whether there is any unauthorised access.


This is available in Control 2021.5

Under Review

Open Monitor in New Window [And Make Seamless like RDP] Option

Dylan Kennard 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Windows RDP allows you to leverage all your monitors and make dragging windows, etc seamless from one screen to the next. This should be an option when opening a new monitor under the right click function. AKA "Open Monitor as Floating Screen OR Open Monitor as Connected"

Pending Review

Schedule Meeting for Future Date with Invites

leel 6 years ago updated by dbaxter 5 years ago 1

Instead of starting a meeting today and waiting until the future date to enter the meeting, it would be helpful to be able to schedule the meeting for a future date and time so the meeting invite can be sent in advance and then have a reminder of the meeting automatically sent to the email of all those on the meeting invite list.

Under Review

send only password from stored credentials

jsfrazier 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 5

I have found that, as an example, in trying to relog a user into Office 365 to activate local installations of office, the login is on 2 separate "pages."  On the first it requires the username, and on the second, it requires just the password.  So when I send credentials, it only sends the username (I assume it truncates full information, removing the password completely).  It would be great if there was an option to send only the password.  9 times out of 10, I know the username anyway...and just need the password.

Under Review

Web Interface > Timeline > Show *Year* in displayed dates

Jonathan McKnight 6 years ago updated by DSW 2 years ago 8

While viewing the timeline from the web interface, each event has a corresponding date & time shown to the left.

I have devices with events as far back as 1-2 years ago, but the displayed date only provides the month and day.

Please add the year to the Timeline's event dates.  

**Requiring us to hover over the date string to display the full date, (including the year), would also work.

-- Forum thread about same topic with response from Scott:  https://controlforum.connectwise.com/yaf_postsm40018_Web-Interface--Timeline--How-to-show--Year--in-displayed-dates.aspx#post40018

Considering for Future Release

Invitation Customization include the session name

edl867 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 8

Would like to include the session name when sending an invitation to a support session.

Want it in the email subject as well as the HTML portion of the invitation email.