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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Exclude devices from Auto-upgrade ScreenConnect

parker snyder 3 years ago updated by seguse 4 weeks ago 1

It would be nice to be able to exclude a group of devices from the Automatically Update Agent Version feature. Sometimes the updates break particular devices that need to be highly available and if possible an exclusion option would be great.

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Pending Review

Closing Screen Connect Support Session only locks SERVER OS

Jason Thompson Kufgem 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 1

Time to try the request again..

We would like the feature that would only auto lock a server OS.... Once our support staff close the support session the screen is automatically locked BUT only for Windows Server OS... 

I know we have the option to set the following setting - "Lock Guest Machine -> Locks guest machine when host disconnects." but as previous requests have stated, we do not want to lock the customers client once we end support session has - > only Server OS

Pending Review

Ability to count and export a list of endpoints based on session group

John DeStefano 3 years ago updated by nengelhardt 1 year ago 4

Would love the ability to export a list of machines based on session group and get into .csv

Would also love to be able to have a COUNT somewhere of endpoints in a session group and have it tie into Triggers.

Ex. Company A has 32 endpoints. Trigger = If company A count > 30, send webhook alert

Pending Review

MDM system extensions

totalyscrewedup 3 years ago 0

The MDM kernel extension hasn't worked since Mojave on macOS.

Since Apple switched to system extensions, can't we get an way to approve those via MDM before the application is installed so we don't deploy devices to users that they have to be manually approve connectwise agent within Privacy settings?

Pending Review

Add suspend my input to Default Session Settings

AJ Lucas 3 years ago updated by TC100 2 years ago 9

Would be super helpful to be able to have suspend my input switched on by default so if you join an existing session you don't accidentally start clicking and moving things around on someone's screen. You should then still have the ability to switch this off once you do need to actually control something on the screen just like you can with other 5 options in Default Session settings screen.

Pending Review

Modify Auto Upgrade to stop if AutoUpdate is unchecked.

connie sarvis 3 years ago 0

AutoUpdate is not checked but upgrades happen anyway. Random updates cause Carbon Black to detect this traffic as supsicious and creates an alert and blocks the updates.We evaluate every alert and this becomes very time consuming. The installer is setup.msi. Because of this, we would have to whitelist setup.msi and any applications with that woudl be allowed to installed.  This puts our network at risk and is unacceptable.

This is the response received when I created a ticket about the Auto Update.

'My name is **** with ConnectWise Control (ScreenConnect) support. I have received your ticket and I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you ran into yesterday morning! We normally recommend to keep the automatic agent updating enabled, as the client versions should be kept up to date as closely as possible to the server version. Our cloud engineering team periodically run scripts to check for older client versions, and will push a reinstall/update out when such versions are found -- which is the "Cloud Administrator" that you saw in the log.'

Regarding Carbon Black and getting the system whitelisted - I know that we do have other partners using Carbon Black that presumably do not have similar issues with the reinstallations, so it should be possible to configure it to allow for this without any modifications to Control. We have had requests in the past to modify the auto upgrade behavior -- if you have a moment to vote and comment on the feature request, that would definitely help get it in the conversation with our development team

Pending Review

Start in Backstage mode from Automate Control Center

Chris Oliver 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 5

MY company uses Automate to initialize Control sessions by default. We only user the web interface when we have to. Backstage mode is very useful to us but it would be nice to be able to start in backstage mode from Automate as to not bother the users just to switch over a few seconds later. 

I know this functionality exists in the web interface and on screenconnect.com, the next logical step is to include this in Automate. I am sure there a lot of other companies out there that prefer the to manage their workstations like this as well. 

Pending Review

Windows 11 Upgrade Readiness Reporting

Brian Simpson 3 years ago 0

It would be very helpful if we could add Windows 11 upgrade readiness reporting to Continuum/Control. I understand that it is possible to use Tasks to run a PowerShell script provided by Microsoft, however this has led to a lot of tedious work to cross reference information from multiple reports to have a single report to show a client. I just did this for a single client and it's taken me nearly an entire day. Ready-made access to this information built-in should mean that I can more easily pull this information into Manage or BrightGuage to be able to help clients begin to plan the upgrade/replace path.

Pending Review

Allow Custom Domains or at least reverse proxy

JeremyT 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 2

Hello! I'm wanting to set up an actual domain name (e.g., control.company.com instead of company.screenconnect.com) for our cloud configured Control instance. This seems to be only possible for those using on-premise versions of Control who have access to the web.config. A CNAME redirect is not at all ideal and this should be a base feature given even wordpress blogs have supported custom domains with SSL for years.


Hi Antonio,

Click on this article to know how to use your own custom domain name or URL for an existing cloud instance.

Hope this helps !!

Pending Review

Wake on LAN magic packet when connecting to a machine

cclure 3 years ago 0

It would be nice if a magic packet could be sent to a computer automatically when connecting