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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

OTP report

Dane 4 years ago 0

Ability to create a report that shows the date and time an OTP is sent to a user. This would be useful in troubleshooting delays receiving OTPs in a timely manner. With this report we can see exactly when an email was sent from ConnectWise and compare it to the time stamp on the email server. Useful in the event the OTP is delayed longer than 5 minutes and expires.

Pending Review

Control Centre - Return the double-click of Computer name to launch control window

Glenn Gilmore 4 years ago 0

 The added step of >Control > launch is totally unnecessary as a double click already provides the "Live Data" option you have added. This would save so much time for those that use it all day.

Pending Review

Allow Backstage Default and Logged in User in Control at Same Time

Terrick Sauer 4 years ago 0

We recently enabled Backstage Default in Control as we determined we can do most of the things we need without even logging into a machine. Unfortunately having Backstage Default enabled means we can no longer see the current logged in user as the field pulls the backstage info instead of the console session. Because of that, we can no longer search by username to find someone in Control. It would be nice to have the ability to run Backstage as default and also be able to see the current logged in user.

Pending Review

Add "Trust this Device" to Remote Workforce App

matt 4 years ago 0

The convenience of the Remote Workforce App is almost nullified by requiring a one-time password EVERY time the user logs in. If a user logs in through a browser, they are allowed to remember this device for 30 days. Would like to this functionality in the Remote Workforce App.

Pending Review

Host Pass Access - Logs how to check when the url was accessed?

usman 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Hi I have generated a new hostpass for a machine. But i can't find any feature which can give me detail report when the host pass url was accessed or how long it was accessed. Please add this feature asap.


Pending Review

Break/stop Inheritance for groups in a role

Doc M 4 years ago updated by Silvan B 2 months ago 1

Allow a group to stop inheriting permissions so that it can be set specifically within a role. Example:

2 roles helpdesk & restrictedAreaAccess. 

Helpdesk role needs to see all groups including all newly created ones but there is a specific group it should not see or have its standard rights applied to. We want users with the restrictedAreaAccess role to see the group. Unfortunately the group inherits permissions so it is not possible to stop Helpdesk role from seeing it. It is not practical to change the role every time a new group is added which is what support have suggested, ie all groups inherit nothing everything is explicit.

Pending Review

2K 4K improvments

Karama 4 years ago 0

So when connecting from an HD 1920x1080 device to a Computer using 4K or 2K  Screen is still an extremrely frustrating expierence.  My request is jut to improve the experience and fix bugs and performance issue.  For Example on an MSI Creators Laptop that is 1920x1080 sessions to computers with 2K Monitors or 4K Monitors are almost unusable, so tiny and slow. Trying to do zoom in means i end up in a Windowed Session so i see only a 3rd of the screen.  Or i connect and can do nothing at all, Connectwise mouse is moving but mouse on the end user screen just sitting there, will not sync with the session.   I end up using remote desktop because it scales correctly to the screen i am using 

Pending Review

allow toolbox items to be run elevated, even when logged on user has no permissions, by invoking UAC

Stefan Farnik 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

ATM shortcuts in toolbox are run with the logged on users account, even when using the `run elevated' option

Pending Review

User Interface Suggestions

tannerj 4 years ago 0

Hello! We have had multiple complaints from our clients about the new user interface in llink. Below are the issues that have transpired with our clients after updating.

• Background used to have more colors and visuals, button icons were visible for links to click on.     

• Previous and Next pages don’t act like they are able to go between pages. When you hover the mouse over    Previous and Next, the mouse doesn’t change into a hand letting you know you can click on it.

Previous/Next Buttons

• When you clicked on a computer name, a separate window would open up and you could see the information about the computer. The links were more obvious to know how to remote into the computer and use other options.

• It doesn’t open up a separate window but adds it to the page so you have to scroll down to see the computer information and the remote options. Some are not aware of that and don’t realize they have to scroll down to get the computer information.

• “Wake Computer” & “Remote Access” don’t show a link when you hover over them. So they don’t know you can remote into the computer. There are also 2 Remote access links

• Clients have a hard time finding out how to close the connection now that it’s not a separate screen. They don’t see the close option on the left side of the page above the computer name.

It seems a lot of little changes have been made that has confused a lot of users. It would be fantastic if we could make some of these micro-changes more obvious for some of the users and especially add in clearer links so they can quickly identify ways to navigate the site. If you want any more screenshot please let me know. I look forward to seeing where this goes.