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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

App.config needs a version number so you can tell if every agent is updated to the correct setting.

Matthew Pendleton 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

App.config needs a version number so you can tell if every agent is updated to the correct setting.

Pending Review

Enter a red arrow pointer onto connect wise session

bill 5 years ago 0

Hello, I've been using Connect Wise for over a year now and work with many individuals and businesses.  A convenient requested feature is listed in the header of this notice.  I'm wondering when this would be available for IT's to utilize and how we could enable this feature.  The sooner the better!  To just use the drawing tool is rather cumbersome and ineffective.

Thank you,

Bill Marks

Computer Training & Support Services, Inc.


email:  bill@ctandss.com

Pending Review

File Transfer Andoird Control app

Jaap 5 years ago updated by Simon 3 years ago 3


The missing file transfer option in Android is relly a sad thing for us. We use Control VERY intensive on Windows platforms, and also now from an Android device. The file transfer is so much used,  is it possible it will be added ??

Thx so much in advance !

Pending Review

Add "Lock PC" option to 'essentials' toolbar.

lewis barry 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Currently you have to go to CTRL+ALT+DEL then select it on the user's machine/server.

Would be nice to just lock something from one button then disconnect.


Restrict SwitchLogonSession While Creating Host Pass

joel huls 5 years ago updated by Bo Wang 4 years ago 3

When creating a Host Pass the only options are to give same same permissions as the tech creating it or view-only. This gives the vendor (or whoever) access to backstage and command line/powershell without logging into windows. Can an option be added to restrict access to backstage?

Pending Review

Notification for when a client INSTALLs/UNINSTALLs software

Ron Alcorn 5 years ago 0

I would like to be able to know when my clients install or uninstall software.  I often get requests from company owners, that say they want to monitor what employees install and uninstall.   Not as a "NOSEY" or "CONTROL FREAK" situation, but just to hold someone accountable when they are messing with software that they should not be.

Pending Review

Receive files functionality from a headless Linux client

Mat Hanson 5 years ago 1 1 duplicate

Currently we can not receive files from a headless Linux client - the receive function does not work with headless as it usually opens a "Select file" window within the GUI. A simple command that can be run from the terminal would be a great addition for headless clients.

Pending Review

Restore ability to create custom Additional General Information extension

Mike Dunn 5 years ago updated by Mike Myers 5 years ago 2

I recently spoke with a support agent and they told me that the Additional General Information extension is being depreciated because "...that extension was deprecated. We built part of that doc into the product".  We used that extension to provide detailed information for our environment in a convenient easy to find location. It would be great if we can get that info added again.

Under Review

HOURSAGO, MINUTESAGO variable for Session Groups

jms13 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

There's a DAYSAGO variable for session group creation, but not HOURSAGO or MINUTESAGO.  Would like to create a more granular view to see idle computers.

Pending Review

Triggers Connection.Duration

TecMate 5 years ago updated by Simon 5 years ago 1

First I want to say the new Triggers interface is great! Really liking it so far and was able to implement a trigger to our time-tracker's API.

The problem I'm facing is that there isn't a property for Connection.Duration and my time tracker requires a duration value.

If the trigger is activated with: Event.EventType = 'Disconnected' AND Connection.ProcessType = 'Host'

I can get the session start time with {Connection.ConnectedTime}

and an end time with {Event.Time}

But our time-tracker's API requires a duration value.

Would be great to have {Connection.StartTime} {Connection.EndTime} and {Connection.Duration}