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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Retain Stretched Dual Monitor View

j schwartz 4 years ago 0

I often choose to see both of my remote monitors at the same time, choosing "All". Not the separate side by side windows chosen with the 3 arrows, but the main one where they’re both connected together. Since I have 2 monitors at the host side I’ll stretch them across both of my monitors until I get it the way I want. But if I choose a different option after that, like just one remote monitor, then come back to "All", it never remembers my original stretching. I'd like for it to remember my last chosen display stretched view, if not from session to session, at least during the same session.

Pending Review

Allow additional phones under the Admin account, for MFA, where more than one person needs access.

fla 4 years ago updated by jhardwick 3 years ago 5

On the connectwise control login, there is the one admin account. But if two people use this resource, and MFA is enabled (as you require it), the second person keeps having to hunt the first person down to get an MFA code. There should be the ability to add extra phones in for mfa authentication.

Pending Review

more tools for using the annotation options while connected on a clients screen(s)

bill 4 years ago updated by Chris Paetz 2 years ago 1

I believe I've requested this change prior.  While the overall user interface is good, I perform quite a bit of connectivity onto client machines and I've never seen a way when connected to client(s) machines to have an assortment of color, shape , etc alternative while using the annotation feature.  This would make working with clients far easier then the current tools available.  I'd love to see a change in the software......

Under Review

Prevent admin from deleting a group

boris 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

In Admin>Security>Roles>Edit role>ManageSessionGroups

We need to prevents techs from deleting groups, but still edit them. if I disable the box, they don't have permission to edit or delete.

Please add a feature to prevent deletion only.

Under Review

Use mail attribute from LDAP for 2FA rather than having to tag a different field with "email:"

Shawn Curtis 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Since AD already has an attribute field for the user's email, there should be an option to point the variable for 2FA to the 'mail' attribute from LDAP. This would prevent admins from having to go in and add each user's email address to a custom field.

Pending Review

Lock out or prevent access to a Support Session

Melissa Takas-Reed 5 years ago 0

Is there a way to prevent other Support Agents from accessing or jumping into an existing Support Session? Once we join with our end user, can we block anyone else from joining the sesion?

Pending Review

Add retina icons to Mac host toolbar

James Cocker 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

I do like how Mac admins now get a toolbar in the Mac host app, but the icons are all pixelated and don't appear to have been provided as vector or high res images. Could could please be rectified? As all recent Macs have high-res retina displays.

Pending Review

Bring back UNDO END SESSION or create an even better option to bring sessions back from the dead

jeremy 5 years ago 0

I'm not sure how this is not already a request. This is something we use quite often.

Pending Review

Email Notifications For Failed Logon Attempts in Control

CP-93 5 years ago 0

can we possibly have email notifications that we can have setup to alert us of failed logon attempts?

Pending Review

Allow non-admins to be able to use audit section to review Recordings

CharlesA2K 5 years ago 0

Roles to have the ability to select is a non-admin can review audit recordings or not.  There are a number of times we have users that need to see recordings but should not be admins of the portal. 

Case in point Quality Assurance Reps, Leads, Mangers, and etc.

If a Role can be created and modified by having a check box for audit recordings that would be great.