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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Remote Printing That Works

CSFi 4 years ago updated by Best-At-Farts 4 years ago 1

I have tried several times to use remote printing and can't get it to work. I worked with support and was told some printers don't work. (Dell 2330dn on both sides)

I had to get this to work so instead of using ScreenConnect for this one user I'm using AnyDesk which worked in minutes.

You need to get this working so users don't have to use alternative products that do work.

Pending Review

Timeline Event Clipboard Toggle

Jacob Kuder 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

Please reference support ticket#: 13440184

We would like to be able to disable the timeline events for the clipboard during a remote session, when copy/pasting a directory with thousands/million files in it, the Timeline gets thousands of events which it can not handle in time locking up our server requiring it to be restarted. This cannot be resolved with disabling the clipboard sharing.

We believe this was discussed previously in the below closed request, however the posted solution in this link does NOT solve our issue:


If you need to see this issue in the wild we can reproduce it and provide you with evidence if needed.

Under Review

Zendesk plugin needs more control over info being sent to Zendesk

Richard Fazenbaker 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Anytime a session is started in Connectwise we now get flooded with this info constantly as the session is open and will keep getting put into the ticket until the session is ended. This info seems to not be editable in anyway and cannot be turned off. I am asking for more control over this feature to be able to edit or remove, I have included a copy of the text we are seeing

Guest Info:

Custom Property 1:

Custom Property 2:

Custom Property 3:

Custom Property 4:

Custom Property 5:

Custom Property 6:

Custom Property 7:

Custom Property 8:

Manufacturer: Dell Inc.

Model: Latitude 5490

Product Number: 0816

Serial Number: 

MAC Address: 

Time Zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Client Version: 20.5.28493.7445

Uptime: 01h 00m

Memory Available: 476/8050 MB

Pending Review

Add new feature

Jimmy 4 years ago 0

add the ability do add in web.config


<add key="RelayListenUri" value="relay://">

<add key="RelayListenUri" value="relay://">

it will make the ability of changing all agent-clients PORT smoother


Pending Review

REST API to update Meta Data on Access Sessions

Andrew J 4 years ago 0

Would like to be able to synchronize my inventory system metadata with the metadata in ConnectWise


External DB options

Jim Spaloss 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 2


We have been using Control since 2010 (Screen Connect, back then).

As we continue to add Access Sessions, our database is getting huge, despite nightly maintenance. We moved our DB to an Intel Optane NVME, and is still goes out to lunch for 25 minutes during DB maintenance, or a service restart.

Are there any plans to allow for moving the Database to an external DB engine? We would love to see you guys support MongoDB.


Pending Review

monitor all Hard Drives including USB Hard drive to notify

mike 4 years ago updated by firaitservices 2 years ago 1


Isi it possible to monitor all Hard Drives including USB Hard drive to notify Obsidian Integration if a Hard Drive fails or goes missing.

We had 2 USB drive failures and went missing. It would be great if this is something ConnectWise Control is capable of monitoring and notify a user. Or this would be great if Connectwise control could add to their monitoring software.

Thank you,



Obsidian Integration

Pending Review

Multiple Connectwise Portal Pages

david carlino 4 years ago updated by Sean Keown 4 years ago 3

Please add the possibility to customize the ConnectWise portal view based on the Company, to allow Managed Service Providers to give each customer their own, specific, ConnectWise portal buttons.

Pending Review

Show all software on device

jrera 4 years ago 0

When viewing installed software on a device, it would be beneficial to see all software installed, not just .msi's

Pending Review

Ability for hosts to report on their own sessions without needing to be Admins

JoelM 4 years ago updated by Will Booth 4 years ago 1

There is currently no way for a host to report on his session activity without being an administrator in the system.