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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Allow changes without reloading the entire app

Daniel Williams 5 years ago 0

Right now, if I do something as simple as save a change to the maintenance plan, screenconnect completely reloads kicking all my users off.

Why would such a simple change require a reload?  I can make changes to firewall rules in our firewall for example, and not have to reload the entire system.  The firewall is just an example.  I can name numerous software products that do not require a reboot when settings are changed.


Under Review

set SessionPanel.NewSupportSessionName to something like {sessioncode}

Ivy Stryker 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

set SessionPanel.NewSupportSessionName to something like {sessioncode} to make the session's default title to be the same as the code to join it.

Under Review

Relay over UDP

Christopher Davis 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

It would be fantastic to be able to utilize UDP for the relay. This would give us the option to have one IP address and utilize both web traffic "TCP" and the relay "UDP" over HTTPS "443". This would help in so many instances where clients don't have 8041 or other random port open on their side. Typically TCP/UDP 443 is open.

Pending Review

Force Window updates

Micheal Sheppard 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Allow Admins to force win 10 updates or install packages for example the same way that you are able to force the screenconnect client to update on multiple devices


Limit Access by MAC Address

brockly024 5 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 2

I am looking for remote access software that is more secure then the standard 256 AES Security with Two-Factor Authentication. I'm specifically looking for Remote Access that we enter a list of MAC Addresses that are allowed access remotely. To me this is by far the most secure way is to have all 3. Two Factor + 256 AES + MAC Address Specified Computers allowed to access. Can this be added? Is there a reason why only a very few Remote Access software programs have this option which to me seems like it should be automatic for all the Remote Access Software programs in the industry. I realize a MAC address can be faked (Spoofed) but for a hacker to know what MAC Address is needed to Spoof/Fake to gain access would be a very difficult thing to find on top of all the other securities involved.

Sean White 5 years ago

You can restrict access to your site by IP address:

  • Block IP Addresses – Block IP addresses from the web interface. You can name multiple IP addresses in a comma-separated list, or you can specify a range of IP addresses by using CIDR notation.
  • Restrict to IP Addresses – Allow only certain IP addresses to access the web interface. You can name multiple IP addresses in a comma-separated list, or you can specify a range of IP addresses by using CIDR notation.


Pending Review

Ability to dock control panels on left and right sides of a connected session

bwieler 5 years ago 0

When connected to a session, it would be nice to have the ability to dock control panels on both left and right hand sides of a support session. The toolbar is nice, but can be cumbersome at times.


Pending Review

Allow recording to continue with guest screen minimized.

Tekk 5 years ago 0

I would like to see the screen recording function continue to work if the screen to the Guest machine is minimized on the Host station.  My Support team will often record a full day of actions on a guest station to try and get a recording of an irregular\elusive error message.  However having to keep a window open to feed the recording isn't a practical use of the screen.  Also the recording (when screen is minimized) continues to capture the mouse movement, so capturing the whole screen makes sense to me.

Pending Review

Auto Start Record Video on Session Start

Chris Paetz 5 years ago 0

I have been wrestling with the extended auditing feature on Connectwise control for some time now. I have got to keep a program running on my PC that constantly downloads and transcodes the video captures and if it stops for any reason it needs to be re-run and set up as it does not save its settings. If we need an audit video and this software has not been running we have to try and access it from the admin panel and it takes forever to transcode and download from the web site. This solution just does not work well for us.

The record video feature in the client would work perfectly for us if we could only tell it to auto start with each session. It would record each session straight to our own local storage where we could search for it by hostname. Can you please add the feature to auto-start session recordings when a session starts to the settings in the admin panel for client's that are paying for extended auditing so that we can choose to use our own local or cloud storage for session recordings.

Thank you.

Pending Review

https://MyApps.Microsott.com & SAML

Erik McCarty 5 years ago 0

Please enable Azure Single-Sign-On by way of the Office 365 MyApps page: https://MyApps.Microsott.com

We are using your SAML login for IT Personnel. Our SAML is configured per your documentation by way of Azure App Registration and Azure Enterprise Applications which produces an icon on the Office 365 https://MyApps.Microsott.com page. However, when the user visits https://MyApps.Microsott.com and clicks the Connect Wise app icon the configuration produces, it lands the authenticated user on the login page with a malformed url like https://company.screenconnect.com/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fHost&Reason=5#Access/ which should be https://company.screenconnect.com/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fHost#Access/&Reason=5 and requires a second login. Within the browser session this does not repeat, rather occurs only on the first login.

We identified this problem in Service Ticket#12195842 but it was considered a feature request at that time. 

Pending Review

Ability to remove 'screenshot preview' on "Access" "General" tab

Trevor Schmidt 5 years ago updated by kebates 5 years ago 1

On both the "Start" and "General" tab for Access sessions, it displays the screenshot preview.

This seems redundant to have the same preview shown in two different locations, one tab apart from each other.

I would like to see an option to remove it from the General tab, as there is a lot of very useful information in this tab, but it is located further down the screen (scroll down) only because the screen preview occupies so much screen space being located at the top. 

There is an article https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Get_started/Knowledge_base/Restrict_or_remove_the_screenshot_preview#Globally_remove_the_screenshot_preview
to restrict this or one can also edit the web.config -> GuestScreenshotMaxPixelCount GuestScreenshotMaxScalePercent
and set either of those to 0, BUT both of these options remove it from BOTH the tabs.

My request is to have a configurable option to remove the screenshot preview from the "General" tab only and leave it on the "Info" tab.