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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

NVIDIA NVS 310 drivers on Windows 10 x64 give blank screen when remotely connected

michael 5 years ago updated by Sam Segura 5 years ago 2

All NVIDIA NVS 310 drivers on Windows 10 x64 give blank screen when remotely connected.  Have to switch to Microsoft Basic Display Adapter to get remote connection working again.  Even tried installing the oldest driver from NVIDIA's website I could find (release in 2017) but problem still happens.

Sucks cause if the display drivers get automatically updated, i.e. by Windows updates, it reverts back to the NVIDIA drivers which then requires me to boot into Safe Mode and switch it back if I need to do any work on the computer.  Would be nice if ConnectWise can roll out an actual fix for this instead of relying on using generic drivers but at least we have a workaround for the time being.

Pending Review

Block client users seeing the command window for agents they can access

anicolson 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 3

Would prefer client limited accounts to their machines not to be able to see commands run through the run command window - can visibility for that be removed for limited access accounts?


Pending Review

There should be a hotkey to open the toolbar.

Jose Marrero 5 years ago 0

There should be a hotkey to open the toolbar.

Pending Review

Control computers' list appearance

Harris 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

The current layout in computers' list is: Name, CustomProperty1-8,Client version if outdated and User. If all custom properties are enabled, the computers' blocks in Access list become huge.

We find custom properties convenient to organise computers but the more you use the more crowdy the computers' list becomes. There is already the option to make specific custom properties invisible but this disables them completely. After making a custom property invisible you are not able to edit/add it to any computer.

This feature request focuses on controlling the appearance of the custom properties in the computers listinstead of one control point that disables their functionality completely.

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Under Review

Documentation/Instruction for SAML 2.0 Generic Connector request for Jumpcloud

Casey 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2


I am having trouble configuring Connectwise Control SAML to be linked with jumpcloud generic SAML 2.0 connector.  I am able to upload the screenconnect metadata to jumpcloud, setup cert. keys etc. When I attempt to complete configuration on the screenconnect side, I am unable to understand what is being requested. 

IdentityProviderMetadataUrl - Attempted the following: 

Provided jumplcoud IDP url - I receive the error - 

Error processing external authentication return: SAML Configuration Error ( https://sso.jumpcloud.com/saml2/screenconnect): The 'link' start tag on line 1 position 335 does not match the end tag of 'head'. Line 1, position 395.

If I encode the (downloaded) jumpcloud metafile to base64 I receive an "object reference error."

I have not attempted to configure any of the other screen connect fields as I am unsure what information to give. Is there any documentation, or has anyone completed this integration before that could lend some help?

Pending Review

Creating a USB Recovery stick with ConnectWise Control

Graeme Jones 5 years ago 0

Hi all,

Quite some time ago there was a discussion on the original ScreenConnect forum regarding setting up a LiveCD/USB (WinPE or Linux Mint either would work) environment with ScreenConnect installed (so you can connect in obviously). There were several guide in this thread but they no longer seem to work or it wa not quite finished, is there any chance of getting this working? 

Links below to previous topics and guides:


Pending Review

ScreenConnect Client Network Deployer

Jon V. 5 years ago 0

Would like the ability to specify a company when pushing SC agent so they populate correctly in the console. Right now you have to push the agent search for machines recently added then add them manually to the company groups. If this could happen on the front end when deploying the agent that would help out a ton. 

Under Review

Being able to log off of a thin client and back on as the admin. Need the shift key held during log off process.

gdowney 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

When remotely supporting thin clients sometimes we need to log off and back on as the admin. To do this the "shift" key needs held during the log off process. Currently screenconnect will not read the shift key as being held during that process. This would be extremely helpful if this was a possibility.

Under Review

Switch Terminal in Linux Headless

Sean Keown 5 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

Ability to switch shell sessions using Ctrl+Alt+F1Ctrl+Alt+F7 in linux sessions that are headless. Right now I've only tested it on redhat and it doesn't function for me. 


ConnectWise Now with Dark Themes

T Stine 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

The ConnectWise Now Dashboard does not display properly with dark themes.

EDIT: On-Prem v19.0.23665.7058

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