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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Chromebox 3 support for google play app

McKeever Support 5 years ago 0

Chromebox 3 supports google play, but the screenconnect app is not supported and there is no longer a chrome extension.  Is ConnectWise looking at supporting the app for a Chromebox?


Direct Link to Backstage in V2019

cps 5 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 2

I have reviewed the changes coming in the pending 2019 release and they look great. However one important usability tweak is glaringly obvious.

As described, one will now be able to get to Backstage by right clicking on a computer, and selecting Join with Options from the drop-down menu. This opens a dialog box where one can click the Backstage radio button and then click Join Session. This is an unnecessarily complex sequence of four clicks and intermediary mouse movements (right click, click Join with Options, click radio button, click Join Sessions).

This can very easily and more naturally be done with one or two clicks. It could be done with one click by adding a [BS] button in the vast unused space on the host page, as below:

Or it could be two clicks (right click, click Backstage) by putting [Backstage] directly in the drop-down menu. You could still retain Join with Options for those who want to select Suspend My Input or other future options.

It is, in fact, easier to go to Backstage right now: double-click to open the session then immediately click [Backstage]. This of course creates the possibility of accidentally disturbing the user with mouse movement, but the sequence is ironically more direct than what you are proposing for direct access to Backstage.

We go to Backstage 10+ times per day per technician, so having the four click sequence for no reason is going to be immediately irritating.
Considering for Future Release

Encrypt files in ScreenConnect\App_Data\Toolbox

Brian 5 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 1

i think the files on the server in  ScreenConnect\App_Data\Toolbox

should be encrypted so that anyone with access to the server could not

modify the files and inject virus or malware .

this could easly be a nice target for ransomware to spread fast .

encrypt the files stored there

when a tech request one the server decrypts with unknown key

and uploads to pc needing the file .

Pending Review

set up a RECENT connections "Session Group" - a group containing all connected sessions in the last 24 hours

KrisL 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

I would like to be able to set up a RECENT connections "Session Group". One that would consist of a group containing all connected sessions (both host & client) in the last 24 hours. So regardless of which Session Group they originate from, if I've worked with them today I can just go to the Recent connections group & switch between connections there without having to go out & search for them each time.

Pending Review

Auto Join Sessions after creation

Darron Bitter 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1
Under Review

New desired locations (Amsterdam)

Bas H. 6 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 1
For more performance, more instances around around the world should be available for the Cloud Users to choose from. (For example in The Netherlands, France, London etc).



Fix the Forum

Jesse Brinson 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 15

One day management changes, the next day the forums go down.  Coincidence?  I don't care, just please fix them.  No logins permitted and also we're back to not redirecting to SSL

Image 404


The forum referenced in this post has been completely disabled, and are being migrated to the virtual community:
Home - ConnectWise

Please be aware that CW-SSO login credentials are required.

Considering for Future Release

Screenshots to automatically be stored in folders named by Session Groups

ExudeIT 6 years ago updated by BIll Artinger 6 years ago 5

I take alot of screenshots.

Over time you end up with an absolute mess of screenshots.

Would be nice to have an option (on by default) where screenshots are stored in subfolders based on Session Group names, and potentially you could have subfolders within them based on the machine name.

Any machine that wasn't part of a Session Group, could just save in to the main screenshot folder.

Pending Review

make a participants input blocked icon similar to the participant annotating icon

BIll Artinger 6 years ago 0

when viewing the participants section and a host is using the annotation tools, you can see that hosts Icon change to a pencil from the default headset & mouse . The same should apply for a Host who has suspended his or her input or transferring a file. Maybe something like the default mouse icon with an X over it? And for file transfer two arrows pointing away from each other while stacked on top of each other?


Official Slack Integration

Avail Networks 6 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 1

After adding the Slack Integration Extension and watching the video on YouTube, then not knowing where to find the Slash Command URL show at 1:17 I contacted support and they told me that Slack isn't officially supported and to submit a feature request on this page...and here it is.

Sean White 5 years ago

We have more information on our forum post here: https://controlforum.connectwise.com/yaf_postst9736_Extension--Slack-Integration--5-6-required.aspx

Please note that the forum is read-only at this time.