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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Only need DUO for authenication when not on network.

edward ciessau 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Would like to have DUO authenticate only when not on company network.  We have this in place for 4 other applications.

Pending Review

Add automatic server update feature

Tom Wardrop 5 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 5 years ago 1

The ConnectWise Control server update process is fairly straight-forward, but it would be nice if it could be updated within the web interface, or even updated automatically as new releases become available. PRTG for example automatically updates itself. It would be a much welcome feature.

Pending Review

IOS app shift+click missing

eric 5 years ago updated by Matthew Pendleton 4 years ago 2

I would like to be able to press shift while right clicking an executable in Windows to have a file run as a different user.  This is not currently possible in the current IOS "app."

Pending Review

2fa yubico for cloud administrator

etang 5 years ago 0

2fa yubico for cloud administrator

Pending Review

ScreenConnector - pre-load available sessions to choose from (instead of having to know the extact session name)

Jesse G 5 years ago 0

Currently you have to know the exact session name to use ScreenConnector.  There is already a drop down box, but no sessions are populated.  Please add the ability to query the server and populate the session names so they can be chosen from without having to remember the exact name.

Under Review

Pinning the message box

bennywalker 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 9

Can we have the message box force the session windows along rather than floating on top obscuring whats below ?

Pending Review

Screenconnector - make it work with Duo 2 factor Authentication

Markus88 5 years ago 0


it would be great if Screenconnector worked with Duo 2 factor Authentication...

I recieve the DUO push notification prompt on the mobile phone, After approving I click on "Connect", but then Screenconnector produces the following error message:

Image 415

Authoritative Restart and Reconnect

andrew cheatwood 5 years ago updated by Karama 7 months ago 11

The Problem: For Macs that have FileVault 2 enabled. Pressing the current restart and reconnect button just disconnects both parties from the session. 

Possible solution: Having an authoritative restart and reconnect prompt for the user password and using that to perform an authoritative restart and then automatically reconnect to the session would be invaluable.

Temporary solution: If already engaged in an active session. The support agent can open terminal and run the following command: sudo fdesetup authrestart -delayminutes -1

they will then be prompted for a user name and password. This will make it so that the next reboot is authoritative, at which point you can press the current 'restart and reconnect' button and the machine will perform an authoritative reboot, but also reconnect to the session. 

Pending Review

Zendesk "Generate Public Reply"

bennywalker 5 years ago 0

Could it be possible to amend or create templates that pass through the Zendesk app.

When selecting the "Generate Public Reply" option, the template is: 


Panintelligence agent '*****' has invited you to join a remote support session.

Click the link below to join:

Join Support Session

Thank you

We use Macros and automated responses and have signatures in use in Zendesk so this template is not really much use so we have to trim it down to a simpler form, like: 

Click the link below to join:

Join Support Session

If we could have an area to create our own templates this would save us a lot of time and enable us to have a more professional message.

Pending Review

Freshdesk V2 integration no longer wraps the requester reply in the Freshdesk Reply template

forbes holden 5 years ago 0

When pressing 'Generate Requestor Reply' the integration correctly inserts the appropriate email content including a Control session link into a new reply on the Freshdesk ticket. The problem is that the content is placed into a blank reply, rather than a reply outfitted with our standard reply template.

This behaviour has changed between the integrations for the old and new Freshdesk UIs. (Freshdesk retired their old UI over the last 6 months which required all integrations to be updated, and I can say from my own experience with it that their the new API is different and not particularly backwards compatible so it would have been a rewrite.)

My only workaround at present is to 'Generate Requestor Reply', copy the content, discard the reply, press reply, paste the content into our standard reply template.