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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Using a spacemous (http://www.3dconnexion.eu/) would be helpfull for CAD applications.

p kate 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Host Online notification

John 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 1 year ago 5

Need to add an extension for Guest Online notification to know when a machine has come back online.

anonymous 1 year ago

Hi John, we appreciate you reaching out. You could most likely set up a trigger for this - have you looked into that option yet? https://help.screenconnect.com/Session_Event_Triggers.


authorise connect to host after set period of time

Dean Darby 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

Allow session to connect without consent, after waiting 2 minutes, on unattended devices. Currently when HostSessionWithoutConsent: AllSessionGroups, OwnedAndUnowned is deleted you can only connect to the host if approved by the host, this is no good if connecting to a server that is unattended. GoTo Assist allows this option and locks the host pc when connected.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hi Dean, we have a way to do this currently. Please take a look at the help page and it will walk you through setting the timeout period: https://help.screenconnect.com/KB:Prompt_guest_for_consent_before_connecting_to_a_remote_machine#Automatically_grant_consent_to_connect_after_X_seconds

Under Review

Advanced management of internal users. Expiration date

Kratos 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

A very useful feature is the possibility of an advanced management of internal users.

the ability to set an expiration date

example, you create a new user parameter:
user: TEST
password: TEST1
roles: Administrator

expiration date: 31/12/2017

or the ability to set the days when a user can log in to the system.

or the ability to set the days when a user can log in to the system. Ie the possibility to access only on Mondays, or only on Wednesdays and Fridays.

thank you

Under Review

Native Mobile App

Now its just a wrapper app... which most of the time does not work as i miss my mouse cursor..

Under Review

bulk import session groups

jake barshick 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2
Under Review

LiveAgent integration

Thomas-Louis Laforest 8 years ago updated by j otten@randomsolutions nl 8 years ago 1

Like other ticket/support system integration with LiveAgent will be a good think to see.

Thanks you for your support.

Under Review

"waiting for free license" auto-reconnect time decrease

plexustech 8 years ago 0

We split 4 licenses between 2 users. A few times a week, I'll be using them all, and my co-worker will need one and gets the "waiting for free license" dialogue. It's not a big deal for me to close one out, however I really wish that when it was closed out of, the one that said "waiting for free license" would realize that a license was again available and then connect in quicker timeframe, ideally immediately. Right now, it takes about 20-30 seconds for it to automatically reconnect. In that time we can just close the window and reopen it and it works again, however we were looking for a setting or a way to decrease the time it would take to automatically reconnect.


Default microphone mute on connect

josburn 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

When a second host joins a session with All Mics enabled, they are unmuted and transmitting right away. Requesting that the default setting be changed from microphone unmuted on session start to microphone muted on start.

anonymous 7 years ago

In 6.3, we’ve added an app.config settingIsMicrophoneMuted, to mute all microphones upon connecting to a session. 

Under Review

deliver mac installer for on demand and permanent as dmg

nobody961-2 8 years ago updated by Jeremy Nelson 6 years ago 1

Instead of zip, deliver as a dmg.

This is the normal behaviour. Also, Mac Users will have less difficulty to find the installert because it either will open automatically on the desktop when the dmg is mounted, or, it will appear on the desktop after they opened the dmg.

Most Mac (and PC) users do not know where their downloads go, also they dont know the difference (and dont see it) between a zip file and a uncompressed zip file.