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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Add search box for this " ConnectWise Control Feature Request Portal "

Peter OTools 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Ey guys, probably I'm blind, but I don't see where to browse all this post for whatever I'm looking for. Also it would be great to have not only search on description field alone, if possible, throughout the whole post as well. The only box I see is to ADD. I don't want to add, I want to search. If it is hiden somewhere, wouldn't be nice to put very visible at front page or browsing area?

i.e: I want to see if there is any Request regarding something very specific like: Android.

Hard to look deep down the list one by one. It says there are more that 500 already. =P

I appreciate your input, thanks.

anonymous 7 years ago

The box "Enter your request keywords here..." is a search field. Entering specific terms should pull results below the box. You will not add a topic unless you select the "Add a new one" button. You can filter topics based on status as well. 

Under review

Language switching using Alt+Shift

Erez Rave 8 years ago updated by Ben Burner 8 years ago 0

When your machine's windows language is HE or other than EN

and the machine you remote is EN

you try to type something and it's not English

you click Alt+Shift shortcuts to replace the language and both machines replace the language.

now it's HE on the remote machine and EN on the local machine.

when you type - not English

you need to switch both to English using the mouse only!

when you use RDP connection, it disables the language bar on local machine so there is only 1 machine effected by the shortcuts.

if you focus and unfocus from the RDP window - you can see the language sign "EN" appearing and disappearing on/off

ScreenConnect should do the same :)



Ruud 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

It would be great if there could be a history/statistics module:

- Sessions connected (both by host and machine)

- Chat log

- Sessions per host

anonymous 7 years ago

Hey Ruud,

In the next iteration of the Reporting Extension you'll be able to pull reports for insight into chat log and session connections data, and as for the last one, you can install the Query Audit Log to CSV Extension and filter fields in Excel to find sessions per host.


Ability to Resize or MInimize things in the technician UI. Make panels. Adjust the real estate

fixmeupdude 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 0

Also, the ability to move the panels to different locations (much like
Outlook does with preview pane) would be a good thing.

anonymous 7 years ago

Have you tried using the extension, Move Session Details Location? We're also currently working on an extension to resize and collapse panels, which may be available as soon as 6.5, barring any development delays. 

Under review

ChromeOS App - button/control overlay interferes with display layer behind it

Randy Clements 8 years ago updated by David T 8 years ago 1

Default zoom level is not appropriate. I always have to zoom out in order to not have the overlay interfere with the display underneath. Cannot select any icons or items on the remote display behind the overlay. Could the overlay perhaps be placed out of the window area, or auto-hide?

Under Review

ios app "server dropdown" option

Patrick Daniels 8 years ago 0

Provide ability in App to enter multiple sites that persist, and can be selected from dropdown. (I maintain a dev site, as well as our production..want to be able to move back and forth without retyping server path...

Under Review

Add link for chat feature so guest can connect to session through chat

bdravecz 8 years ago 0

When using the chat extension, which allows user to start a session with a chat only, have a clickable session link auto populate into the client chat window, when the technician joins the created session, to start a screen share / remote support.


Use dynamic variables in email fields

asabino 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

In areas such as InvitePanel.SupportEmailSubjectFormat, it would be nice to be able to add a dynamic variable such as {Session.Name} so we can customize our outgoing email invites (which in turn will allow our particular setup to integrate with our existing ticketing system for technical support cases).


Record Video option to also include the mouse pointer in the recording

Xylotek Kevin 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

When connected to a remote machine via Screenconnect the option to Record Video does not record the mouse pointer.

Would like to see the mouse pointer in the captured video as well, otherwise using the video to demonstrate the actions is disjointed at times as there is no flow as what actions were taken on the recording.

Image 20

anonymous 8 years ago

Hi Xylotek,

What OS and ScreenConnect version are you hosting off? The cursor should always be captured in a recorded video. I suggest you reach out to our support team if you're still having this problem.