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  • If you can't find a request for an item you need, create your own request. Provide as many details as you can, especially regarding possible use cases.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Disallow thumbnail preview for certain users/roles

j-sure 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Right now the thumbnail feature is all or nil. I'd like to see the thumbnail as a role option. So, level 1 tech can't see the thumbnail but level 2 can.

anonymous 8 years ago

This will be available in v6.1.


Create an Outlook Plugin

Trevor Spink 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

It would be really useful to be able to send a link to a session directly from Outlook

Under Review

isupport helpdesk integration

Beau Mersereau 8 years ago 0

Please consider integrating with iSupport. The URL is http://www.isupport.com. We would be willing to pay for this.

Under Review

Disable Wake command for unattended session

roberto cazzato 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

Wake command for the unattended session should be under permission configuration, not allowed to all hosts

Under Review

Change the default Audit Query date in the Admin/Audit tab from one month to another value

lyeoman 8 years ago 0

Change the default Audit Query date in the Admin/Audit tab from one month to another value

Default it to 1 day...


Add link to logo

Donnie H 8 years ago updated by Scott Linak 8 years ago 5

There is an extension that no longer works since the release of V6. I would think this would be an easy thing to add to the appearance in the admin section. We used this when our clients would purchase new computers on their own to install the agent.

I have tried to contact the developer of the extension but no response.

Under Review

DeskPRO Integration

Will Polley 8 years ago 0

Being able to click a link to initiate a support session would be great.

Could probably get away with just making a widget... https://manuals.deskpro.com/html/developer-apps/widgets/widgets.html

Considering for Future Release

Smarter Client Updates

DanielR 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

For self hosted SC servers, we need much smarter client update options. Either, the ability to rate limit the number of clients being updated concurrently (so they can be queued) or the ability to pull the updated client from an external source. Trying to update 400 odd clients over a DSL connection is a nightmare and takes us weeks to complete because we can only do a few at a time without our uplink being congested.

Considering for Future Release

Add plug-in for Microsoft Edge browser.

roget 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1
Considering for Future Release

SC variable for filtering under SEARCH

Peter OTools 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

It maybe possible already, here the question: Can I use some SC variable to be used in Search box, so I can filter only some specific sessions? ie: lets say TimeConnected is a SC variable for Time that session is still connected, and I use like: TimeConnected > 3 (where 3 could be hours, or any kind of fomat it might use) in the Search box. IDK if that is possible or too complex to develop. But it would be an outstanding flexibility for filtering and search. Thanks!