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  • If you find a matching request, give it a thumbs up and throw in a comment.
  • If you can't find a request for an item you need, create your own request. Provide as many details as you can, especially regarding possible use cases.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

On 'Waiting for Guest' Show Button for "Email me when Guest is available"

Gabe F 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

If you choose this option it pops a dialog allowing you to put in or change the email address to send the notification to (in case you want to send the notification to the next shift.... your own email could be default) and an area for an Optional text reminder as to why you requested the notification.... then it would use that info to trigger an invite when the computer is next available for a connection.


code generation remove vowels

dw5304 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

so this is a repost from about 2 years ago see here we got anouther report today from our support staff

Image 10 can we consider removing vowels so this doesnt happen again?

Considering for Future Release

Korean keyboard layout support

bluetoto 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

we want support Korean input and change English input by korean keyboard layout.



Display number of active sessions for a given User login (not sessions created by a specific Host)

Jong 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Hi There,

If "admin" creates the session and the host is shown as "admin". When "tech01" logs in, he connects to the session that admin creates. We will like a display of active session of "tech01" in this case would be 1. It will be good if this can be applied for Support, Meet, Access Sections

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Jong,

You can do this by using the property 'ConnectedParticipantNames' as a subgroup expression. See more here.


Role descriptions

Vince Russo 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

We have several roles, it would be nice if there was a column in security with a plan text field that we can put in a description of the roles purpose.

Under Review

Extension Feedback Mechanism

FAB-ITRescue 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 5

There needs to be a mechanism to notify the author of a published extension, when there is an issue - or even for offering praise, ideas, support & encouragement.

The review system isn't necessarily getting the message to the author - esp. when something breaks for whatever reason.

Under Review

I would like the audit screen capture report emailed at the end of session as an attachment

Neil 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 5

When the audit creates and saves the session it enables the video to be downloaded from the admin console - I would like to store these videos in my connectwise crm for reference for each job done. It would be very handy to have the system automatically email them to me.

Under Review

Preinstall client for adhoc remote access sessions

Felix Roces 8 years ago updated by Rowdy 8 years ago 1


Please allow the screenconnect client to be preinstalled on computers so the user does not have to re-download and re-install it each time they ask for remote support. Most of our users are non-technical and we waste a lot of time with the user explaining how to find the screenconnect client that was downloaded.

If the client can be pre-installed as part of our imaging process, that will really help us a lot.

Lots of remote access and conferencing software already allow preinstall of the client such as GotoMeeting, Webex etc. and screenconnect should not be seen as technologically backwards with respect to those remote access software.




I need a way to mask my users' names in chat

QS1Tim 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

I don't want our customers to know our technician's full names. We have this turned off in the client session, but they still appear in chat. I need a way to mask that out so that it just says "Technician" or "Support Agent" or something.

Under Review

On connecting to client from Chromebook top of screen cut off

Carl Hughes 8 years ago updated by Scott Linak 7 years ago 4

I have to adjust the zoom level every time I connect to a client to be able to see the top of the screen. Would it be possible on connection to get the full screen without having to adjust the zoom?