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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Encryption of 2 Factor serial information in AD

PushEAX 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Have a master key inside ScreenConnect that can be used to encrypt the publicly exposed 2FA information stored in AD when AD is being used for token data.


Change Connect Arrow Button

gkhanagov 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 15

The "Arrow" the user click to engage the support session is inaccessible with the use of a ScreenReader. I'm requesting that the type of control be changed to perhaps an actual button or something else.


Capture CTRL+F on the host page

Grdnkln 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

Super simple but I think it would be super useful.

On the host page for your ScreenConnect session, where it lists all of the hosts, there's a convenient little "search" bar in the top right corner that you can use to search for computer names.

My suggestion is simple - add a Javascript eventlistener so that if you hit "CTRL+F", rather than popping up the browser's native "find" feature (which is useless on this page) it instead moves the focus into that search box.

Folks like me who make a lot of use of keyboard shortcuts would love you for it!

Something like this that I pulled off of StackOverflow would work I think:

window.addEventListener("keydown",function (e) {
(e.keyCode === 114 || (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 70)) {

anonymous 8 years ago

Grdnkln, I understand your request but by developer design when you begin typing on the host page (whether in support, meet, or access section) focus will shift automatically into the search box. We don't want to steal basic functionality as it is not best practice. Hope this helps, let me know if you have anymore requests.


Make the "controlled by" banner smaller and without rounded edges.

Cazi 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Love the new "controlled by" banner for Access Clients, but it really doesn't need to have rounded corners.

The banner could actually take up less screen real estate if it didn't use rounded corners (22-24 pixels high vs 34 pixels). Plus it would fit the look and feel of ScreenConnect better, because the ScreenConnect client and guest pages are square as well.

Lastly, it looks like the technology industry as a whole is moving away from rounded and beveled user interfaces for the less distracting flat and square look and feel. Thanks.

Under Review

Run on linux host as standard user, not root.

Raatt 8 years ago updated by Mark- 7 months ago 2

We all know exploits happen, even to good software. If one happens to SC, it'd be better it ran under a standard user, not root.

This is based on my experience with forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst8555_SECURITY---Run-Screenconnect-as-standard-user-in-linux.aspx#post30503

You'd have to have the installer create a standard user and the directory permissions for /opt/screenconnect need to be user:root (recursive). The user must have a shell for this to work, unless you guys come up with a better way, which is entirely feasible.

The modified init.d script I came up with, in the thread, does not kill the SC processes in a neat way due to my limited linux experience. Let's call it Proof of Concept.

I've been running it this way for 7 months in CentOS 7 x64, always upgrading to latest release version without trouble( besides having to chown and replace the init.d script every upgrade) and I think others would benefit from it.


screenconnect without explorer.exe running

stefano bucelli 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

We have hundreds of remote customer machines where is running our POS software. For security reasons in these machines explorer.exe is not running, we use our propetary shell.

In same cases we need the consent of the remote user and I understood that the consent dialogue box appears only if the explorer.exe is running.

Can you give us a solution to let appear the remote consent dialogue box also in case the explorer.exe is not running?

anonymous 8 years ago

Hi Stefano,

In 6.1 the consent dialog box will appear even when explorer.exe isn't running. A 6.1 prerelease should be available sometime this month, barring development delays.


Add Developer Role and Permissions

Joseph Colvin 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Please add a developer role and permission set so that way us techs that can't get full admin access can develop extensions.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Joseph,

Although this was a nice idea we cannot support it. Giving a "tech" access to the extensions tab could cause that same tech to create an extension to gain full admin access.

Under Review

Reformat the General Session Details Tab to account for different devices

anonymous 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

Partner requests a console that shows some of the device information such as battery, installed apps, turn on/off inputs and other personalized options; setup accounts, setup wifi, pull data usage (if available), version of software, device name, etc.

Considering for Future Release

Get Host Pass to Multiple Systems

mhighsmith 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

Currently we can send out a Host Pass to one system at a time. it would be nice to be able to select multiple systems and attach the Host Pass.


Disable join prompt for hosts

anonymous 8 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 8 years ago 2

Partner requests the ability for certain roles to turn off popups on session join.