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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Add option to remove/hide notification bar on android app when remotely connected

anonymous 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Partner would like option to remove/hide notification bar from the android app in order to have a full-screen when remotely connected to a pc.


Allow cloud partners access to web.config file

anonymous 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Partner would like cloud partners to have direct access to configuration files.

anonymous 8 years ago

With the extension: https://help.screenconnect.com/Extension:Edit_Web.Config_AppSettings

Cloud partners are now able to access and edit the web.config settings easily.


Add deeper pull on information by trigger

anonymous 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Partner asks for trigger to email unsuccessful login attempts IP, tried username, and tried password.

anonymous 8 years ago

One of our developers has a solution to help partners know of locked out users, which you may find here: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst8572_Powershell-Script--lockedAccounts-ps1.aspx#post30570


Make support sessions default to automatic

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 8 years ago 2

Partner requests to either have support sessions default to automatic, detect the guest OS, or add a configurable option.

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago

As of 5.6, we've updated the behavior of clients to all start automatically.


Add option to automatically archive video files to another location

anonymous 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 6 1 duplicate

Partner requests database maintenance option to automatically archive video files from the sessions folder after x amount of time to another location (preferably a network drive)

Considering for Future Release

Add ability to suspend host input from mobile client (iOS and Android)

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Partner would like the ability to suspend the Host input on the Mobile client. Additionally, he would like this done by default when the app.config setting is present on the Guest machine to SuspendControlAtStartup.


Considering for Future Release

Notify host by email when user logs out of computer

Cooper 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Add option when right-clicking a computer to notify host when the user has logged out of their computer and/or if the user is idle for X number of minutes. A couple examples of its use....
There's a meeting and you need to connect to that conference room computer once the meeting is over. You use this feature and get an email when the user has logged out.
Another example would be if a user says they will be leaving at 3PM so you can look at their computer, but they don't end up leaving until 3:30. Having this feature would keep the host from having to either physically check to see if the user is still there OR keep the host from having to keep refreshing to see if the user is gone/idle.


Proxy password shows in plain text

Kent 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

When you enter a proxy username / password into the screen connect client, then the password is displayed in plain text in the status area for the relay.

It would be good if this can be masked somehow.

See Service Ticket # 7756526


Add File Upload capabilities to Extension Developer extension.

Steven 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

It would be nice to be able to have a "Upload File" option in the editor portion of the Extension Developer. This would work great for uploading files being worked on in an IDE or a way to upload the Promote.PNG file - especially when developing in the Cloud.


add a setting to ScreenConnect server that allows you to specify the startup type for the ScreenConnect client service for installed clients

Ryan 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

so, you can have a web.config setting that designates if you want to change the service to Automatic, Automatic (Delayed), or Disabled.