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  • If you can't find a request for an item you need, create your own request. Provide as many details as you can, especially regarding possible use cases.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Better Apple Pencil support

Dan Kelley 8 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 8 years ago 1

For iPad Pro users, Apple Pencil "touch" interface instead of the virtual mouse.

Tap to click.

Hold to right click.

Double tap and hold to drag.

This would change my life :


Track how many times a tool has been executed

anonymous 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Partner requests tracking how many times a tool in the toolbox has been executed and a way to sort the list of tools on most executed.

Under Review

Show what relay address will be used when building or running the installer

Larry 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Sometimes a partner will install the access agent having no idea that they are using the IP address when they would like to actually have a DNS name


print screen

Damon 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 12

Hi Guys,

the ability to send key strikes to the client machine.

For example, Ctrl + PrtScn to capture the screen of the remote machine and copy the contents of the screen capture to the clipboard of the remote machine

Sometimes I log into my office computer from home to answer emails.

It is here I use PrtScn to grab something to be pasted into an email, resized etc...

Thanks for considering

anonymous 8 years ago

Thanks for the clarification Mhighsmith. I will go ahead and move this request forward.


Sub-Session Groups (Folder-Tree Style)

Spencer 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

I'd like to see the Session Groups enhanced to support sub-groups. I'd also like to see the option to "automagically" sort that list alphabetically.

Reason: We have a large number of customers in our Session groups, and some have a number of groups due to the client size (and for ease of finding servers, or a department, etc). Just finding a client in that list can be a scrolling challenge. It would be great if we had a session group for the client, then collapsible sub-groups (just like Windows Explorer, if you will) where we could create groups for servers, this remote office, that remote office, etc. Overall, it would just help keep things a little cleaner.

anonymous 8 years ago

Is this a request to update this feature? Creating Subgroups It sounds like what you're requesting.

Under Review

Linux upgrade: Check if current license permits upgrade to newer version of ScreenConnect

anonymous 8 years ago 0

Make Linux installation script check that the current license is valid for the upgrade version. If license is not valid for the newer version, warn/prompt the user before continuing with the upgrade.


Add the ability to extend the time period, after the end of a session, the dialogue box stays open

anonymous 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 7

Partner requests the ability to remove or extend the time period the dialogue box stays open after the end of session.


Send Function Keys

Allen Crist 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 6

I am unable to send Ctrl-F4 or similar keys over SC. Alt-F4 works, but Ctrl doesn't.

anonymous 8 years ago

This, for sure, works on 5.5 and higher.


Record file transfer in audit log

anonymous 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

Partner would like if file transfer was recorded in the audit log or timeline.

anonymous 8 years ago

Added session connection events for printing, file transfer, and clipboard activity in 5.5 release.


Enable Copy/Paste at the Login Screen of a remote computer (Re-Requested)

Technigogo 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 5

Over a year ago, I put in a feature request in the old forum. It got a good amount of support. You guys moved the feature request forum but you seem to have left this request out of the move. Was this on purpose? Why is this feature (let's call it a foundation requirement, shall we?) being ignored? I'm surprised you don't see the need for this basic functionality.

Here is the original request from http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst6680_Enable-Copy-Paste-at-the-Login-Screen-of-a-remote-computer.aspx

When I am logging into an unattended session and the remote computer is at a login screen, I want to be able to paste the password from my KeePass or other such source of records for the hundreds of users passwords that I have to keep track of. Typing them in is not only time consuming but lends to errors. I don't see how the copy/paste could be considered a security issue when we already have a live screenshot of every customer computer built into the software.

Shawn 1 year ago

[This was added in 5.5]miscellaneous, send clipboard keystrokes