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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


change relay server on *already installed* client

uptownruss 4 years ago updated by jayelem 10 months ago 13

Please enter an enhancement request to allow updating the relay server on the client(i.e. Already installed client). I am guessing people sometimes need to update their relay server for various reasons... It would be MUCH easier if we could just change a registry entry or something instead of a full uninstall and reinstall.

Now due to a DDNS issue, I have to manually go uninstall and reinstall EVERY client I have out there... Very painful process.

Pending Review

Security Solution:

Mark Y. 4 years ago 0

This product sorely needs an option for endpoint security. If it had it at a discounted rate I would upgrade to access it in a heartbeat. With all of these extensions it's crazy that I have to go outside of the platform to be an MSP partner with a dedicated cyber security firm.

If anyone knows why we don't have this yet please do let me know. Perhaps I'm overlooking something. I am very tempted to go with Pulseway MSP right now. It's actually the better value for me even for far less than 20 endpoints.


Allow Programmatic Scriptable Access to Prompt End User to Save Credentials via Command Line Switch in Guest Client

jswall 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

This feature request expands upon the feature added in 2020.5:

Issue TypeComponentsSummary
TaskGuest Client

Allow guests to enter login credentials via tray icon menu

This is great, but many of us disable the ConnectWise Control tray icon as we already have a ConnectWise Automate tray icon on the end user's computer.  I'd like to request that the Save Credentials prompt be accessible via a command line switch so that we can program our ConnectWise Automate tray icon to be able to invoke the Save Credentials prompt as well.

Pending Review

Guest Pass with different Role permissions

info 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

When granting a Guest Pass; it would be great if you could generate this based on a lower set of permissions/Role.

Currently, the only option is that you have to grant permissions based on your only permisison, for example, Administrator. but if you could restrict this, with the ability to turn off features by using a Role, then you could grant a secure access for a Guest Pass

Pending Review

Technician Connected Border Around Whole Screen

Cazi 4 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 4 years ago 0

Most meeting applications show a border around the whole screen when doing a screen share. Can ConnectWise Control have an option to place a border around the whole screen when a technician is connected?    


See Server Roles as a tab

Tyson Rasanen 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

Is it possible to have a tab added to show installed Roles and Features? This would be VERY helpful to allow for searching a site for it's DHCP/DNS/Domain Controller/Etc on the fly

Under review

new feature

Jimmy 4 years ago updated by anonymous 4 years ago 0

add the ability do add in web.config dual

<add key="RelayListenUri" value="relay://">

<add key="RelayListenUri" value="relay://">

to easy change port without screwing arround !


Pending Review

Prompt user for permission for remote support per host

ebarrette 4 years ago 0


I would like the ability to set up a user permission to start support session on unattended hosts, but per host.  Right now this exists as a global setting, outlined in the below article.


I work with clients with disabilities, some of which have difficulty typing or following directions.  So installing the app or getting to a session can be difficult with the download.  Once we get the unattended installer on, it's very easy to give support.  I'd like though, to be able to post a liability waiver to these clients.  

I also support servers and employees that I need unattended access to with no popups.  Making this feature available to be a per host would alleviate this issue.

Thank you,


Pending Review

Add Lastpass two-factor authentication

richard 4 years ago 0

Add Lastpass for two-factor authentication

Pending Review

Ability to set a timeout to automatically close disconnect pop-up

G Stone 4 years ago 0

Would be great if we would set a clock to automatically close the disconnect pop-up.

This would be even better if we could set it on a specific group of machines.

I.e. if we are supporting a display or conference system we wouldn't want to have the Disconnect message stuck on the screen