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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Add ability for users to change their password when using AD authentication.

dhodgins 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

we use windows AD to authenticate users with 2FA.  We usually set a default password and they are required to change on first use or update as needed.  you can do this with default security but not AD security.

without users being able to update and manage their own passwords it adds another layer of difficulty for our staff to manage.

Pending Review

edit template - compose yourself when sending remote session invites

bill 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1
Pending Review

we'd like to be able to admiistratively be able to unblack someone's screens without joinign the session

jms 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

We'd like to be able to administratively unblack someones monitors who has them blacked out.  Preferably we'd liek the ability to have a universal setting prohibiting it for everyone and the option to do it without joining someone's session.

Pending Review

Streaming of Video

philip lock 4 years ago 0

We have alot of remote systems that play streams from site camera's and we need to be able to accurately view these streams on the remote pc's. This is possible with teamviewer and would be good if we can do it on screenconnect

Pending Review

Allow a dial-in number in the Meeting Session for attendees to call in to and participate on a phone call

Melissa Takas-Reed 4 years ago 0

Allow a dial-in number in the Meeting Session for attendees to call in to and participate on a phone call

Pending Review

permanent access for guest user

ohad 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

It's will be great to have the option for a guest to have unlimited access to host computer via link and code, Like in Teamviwer.

Pending Review

Enable Mobile Devices to remember Access session

TAPTech 4 years ago 0

Please allow mobile devices to remember their Support sessions.  Ideally this would function as an unattended access client, but on demand.  So our techs could say "please open up the Connectwise Control app on your iPhone" and it would then connect to the session.  It wouldn't need to be built every time.

Pending Review

Assign specific LDAP user to a machine

Shawn Curtis 4 years ago updated by Simon 4 years ago 1

There needs to be a way to assign an LDAP user to a specific machine without having to have a individual groups and roles setup for each one.

Pending Review

appearance afters upgrade to 20.2

aodinfo 4 years ago 0

I do not really appreciate that the programmer decides to change the look without giving the choice to the user it's really not beautiful it's difficult to reprogram the look I had try everything changes it would be nice to fix the bugs instead i diffuculty in english my language is french... you have a hint to return on look on version 19 i try setting base.css to complicate..... now all is white no good for my eyes is verry bad for me

Under Review

indidentIQ Integration

AHocker 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

I know based on your available extensions that you've integrated connectwise control with help desk solutions.  We are rolling out IncidentIQ (https://www.incidentiq.com/), a K12 educationally focused ticketing/asset management solution.  Was wondering if it was possible to work with their integration team to get connectwise control to integrate where we could spawn sessions from a user help request.  The person at IncidentIQ we have been onboarding with is Ashley Holley, and I can provide her contact info if requested. Thanks!