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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Disable SendClipboardKeystrokes from Advanced Configuration Editor

Simon 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 6

Currently, we have to use a different extension, Edit App.Config Settings, to disable this functionality on the host client.

It'd be helpful if we could disable it from the Advanced Configuration Editor.

Under Review

Block Guest connections to sessions by IP address

mike 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 2

I use Control to demonstrate your my product to potential clients, and reuse the session join code. Some people choose not to buy but continue coming into the live demos.

How can I block them by specific IP Address

Pending Review

Name search

martin spurway 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Please would you be able to add the ability to search for the users first or last name instead of only being able to use the username in the connectwise control support.  This would make it much faster when connecting to devices.

Pending Review

System Preference Permissions Push via ConnectWise

Tony T 4 years ago 0

The addition of System Preferences requirements on MAC OS X (Mojave and higher) causes a big problem when taking over existing Mac infrastructure.   We can push agent installs, etc... Why has ConnectWise not integrated a PPPC push in it's agent system that would simply prompt one time for the user to enter it's credentials to approve the bevy of changes required?  As an MSP this adds potentially 15 minutes of unbillable time to each remote call, and that is barring a typical users incessant need to close every popup without reading it. 

Pending Review

Ability to enable automatic wild cards in any search field

cmcjunkin 4 years ago updated by Mayfield 4 years ago 1

I think there should be an option to enable automatic wild cards in any search field, so you don't have to type wild cards around everything you search for. So if you search for something with the word car in it, you can just type "car" instead of *car*.

Under Review

auto run

ahti 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1


would it be possible to add an auto-run feature for the guest session that is created on the main page? Right now guest have to locate the downloaded file and run it manually. This is confusing for many clients, since the pop-up says "joining" but no actual joining is happening. It is misleading.  The user sees that they have done all they need and thus they just wait and the engineer can't support them. Please make it possible, even if the admin has to enable it from preferences, it would make a big difference on the support service. TeamViewer has this option and it is needed!

Pending Review

Drag & drop between 2 guest sessions from MAC host

DPS 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Can do this between one machine and local on a MAC. Would like to be able to drag & drop between 2 guest sessions from MAC host. Whatever you can do on a Windows host, be able to do on a MAC host.


Hi DPS, 

Dragging and dropping files between Mac's should be available in the next stable release. 

Pending Review

Option to disable web browser built into ConnectWise Automate Control Plugin

ARSI 4 years ago 0

We use ConnectWise Automate and the control plugin. When we remotely access a computer it has a web browser built it. This web browser doesn't have any content filtering and our users are able to access anything they want through this web browser. It would be nice if there was an option to disable it in the configs.

Under Review

Ability to make notes directly to a session group

Christian Walch 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

There should be the availability to add a comment/ note when you create/ modify a Session Group.

As this would be helpful in larger environments - so also Documentation is available on one single place.

should look like similar to: 

Image 664