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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Windows 10 Virtual Desktops

Marc 4 years ago 0

Some easy manner to use Connectwise Control to switch between virtual desktops when connecting to a Win10 machine using virtual desktops.

Pending Review

Keep all machines expanded when clicking on active sessions

Greg Miller 5 years ago 0

When clicking on "Active Sessions" the "All Machines" group collapses. Jumping back requires expanding and waiting for it to load. Can we just leave it loaded when jumping to "Active Sessions"?

Pending Review

Auditing remove note and persistent auditing.

JasonJCT 5 years ago updated by Simon 4 years ago 3

In the auditing section, I can use the session event type filter and choose Added Note. I would like to have removed note as well. 

But while looking for a way to see if a note was removed I found that Audit logs are not persistent. For example.
Add a note, query the audit log and see that X machine has added a note.  Remove that same note then query the audit log and the event is missing, like I never added the note. 

Note auditing needs to be improved as we are using it for account control for SSO 

Under Review

Do not allow OperationNotSupportedMessage to replicate non-stop

Simon 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

We currently have DefaultAccessSessionInfoAttributes enabled for MonitorBlanked, InputBlocked, and WakeLockAcquired.

Now, our employees don't have to go through the hassle of manually enabling those features every time they access their computers at the office. Given the coronavirus, more and more of our employees are using ConnectWise Control to work remotely, and this setting made their user experience so much better.

This was all going perfect until we introduced macOS devices into the mix.

Since the Block Guest Input feature isn't supported on macOS, every time someone accesses a macOS device, it throws up an OperationNotSupportedMessage.

But that's not all — until you manually disable the feature on the host client, the message window will replicate like crazy. See the screenshot below.

Image 620

The reason why the window's edges are so dark is because under that window are tens of windows just like it, as you can see in the following screenshot.

Image 621

So, after manually disabling the feature, you have to click the OK button on all those windows to clean up the desktop.

We request that the message window appear only once and no more.

Additionally, it would be ideal if clicking OK on the window automatically results in the unsupported feature being disabled on the host client.

And it would be even more ideal if this feature were supported for macOS. I've heard Splashtop can block guest input on macOS devices, so it's not impossible.

Pending Review

Prioritizing license usage

Matt O 5 years ago 0

This is for organizations with a high host-to-license-purchased ratio. You might have different levels of host roles that need higher or lower priority. For instance:

1. Field team

2. Support team

3. Internal employees

Group 1 are usually on-site, high priority hosts dealing with customer issues that require a license immediately. 

Group 2 could be IT support that maybe don't need access to a license as highly as Group 1 but are trying to resolve an issue and need to be able to claim a license over Group 3. 

Group 3 could be internal employees that have been forced to work from home because of the latest health pandemic sweeping the world. They need to access instrument PCs at the office but is low priority.

Example of how this would work:

If a host with the Group 2 role is connected to a Guest, and there are no available licenses, they should be disconnected if a host with the Group 1 role attempts to connect to a Guest.

Under Review

Indicator that there are Notes on Machine

Scott Byrd 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

Show indicator on Notes icon that there are notes for the selected Machine.

Pending Review

Ability to have "Disconnected..." message sent to machine owners, if desired.

Canadian 5 years ago 0

I have customers that would like to receive the "disconnected and remained in that state..." message rather than having it come to me.

Pending Review

Multi-Channel Audio

OYBI_Matt 5 years ago 0

There needs to be an Option to save each Audio Stream (user) as a distinct Channel in the resulting file.  So that when Users talk over each other, the historical recording can play just one at a time, quiet users can be made louder, and so on.

For Convenience and to support the most players a Mono combined stream should be the main channel

OR a Stereo version of Presenter / Everyone-else.

Pending Review

Hello Guys, I have been a long time customer, I would iike to request a feature, to hide on a user leven the TimeLine

Rommel 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 3

Hello Guys, I have been a long time customer, I would iike to request a feature, to hide on a user leven the TimeLine

Under Review

Add an option that show only active clients

Ademar 5 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2