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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Allow specific program uninstalls to be queued upon wake

robert 5 years ago 0
Pending Review

ScreenConnect CMD shortcut commands

Datzent 5 years ago updated by Simon 5 years ago 1

It would help a lot if we can have CMD shortcut commands built into the CMD window. For example, instead of typing shutdown -r -f -t 00 there would be a shortcut for it already. Even better if we can crate those shortcuts ourselves. I, for one, use the restart command often. A lot of my clients are too lazy to restart their computes when asked. It will also speed things up when I do maintenance in the middle of the night. 

Any thoughts on this?

Pending Review

audio alert / screen pop when guest clicks Start Session

Phon 5 years ago 0

When a guest connects to a session. They sit in the queue and somebody has to actively check. Yes you can set the email alert, but this again will take a little time to come through and the technician may not be looking at emails, plus it just fills up you inbox. Would be much better if there could be an audio alert and or a screen pop.

Pending Review

Only see Sessions from same team

Kevin Hennemeier 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Create different Session Groups and based on the Role be able to only see those sessions part of that group

Pending Review

Storage Alert

Christopher P. 5 years ago 0

It would excellent if CW Control could send an alert concerning remaining storage to users if a certain threshold is reached (eg less than 10% drive space remaining)

Thank you!

Pending Review

Restrict ConnectWise control to a defined schedule

Ron Hanoudi 5 years ago 0

This would really be a beneficial feature to ensure non administrator users of ConnectWise only login during business hours and limit their access after business hours.

Under Review

Add a configuration file entry to handle and expired SSL certificate

Dont Spam Me! 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Add an additional line the configuration file identifying how an expired SSL certificate for the site is handled. If the SSL certificate is valid (other than being expired), the "External Accessibility Check" could then take that setting into account and flag the check accordingly, i.e., it could - for instance - use a status of "Expired" rather than "Failed" and mark that line with a yellow vertical bar rather than a red one.

Pending Review

Requesting the ability to prevent our customers from being able to see our agents full names and email address

srosas 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 8

We have SAML set up with Azure AD. We have some security concerns providing the full names of our agents to our customers. There are several places that I have already been able to customize to show a generic name, such as "agent" instead of our agents' full names. However, not all sections have the ability to be customized. One such area is the chat message history within the app. I tried to replaced the UserDisplayNameAttributeKey as suggested by a ConnectWise Support Rep, but this value was replaced with the users’ email addresses in the chat section. Between our email addresses and the phone conversation, our customers can piece together our agents full name. So this still doesn’t resolve our issue. We need the ability to prevent our customers from being able to see our agents full names and email addresses while still maintaining single sign on.