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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Join a Public Session - Word wrap or limit size

ituser 5 years ago updated by Bo Wang 4 years ago 3

When listing Public Sessions, if the name of the session is longer than ~20 characters then the selector extends past the boundary of its wrapper, causing the Join arrow/button to be difficult to see, and in some cases it can be off of the screen.

Image 604

Under Review

Better End User and Client User Management

Kurt Woods 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

We have been giving client end users access to their computer via our Control server, and most of them are created as Internal users. The Remote Workforce feature has been helpful, although it could use a little refining. But the User list is very basic, and it's hard to see what user is at what client. At the least adding a Client/Customer/Company field would be helpful so we can see who is who. And adding a view to see what computers the user has access to (or an impersonation feature) would help to make sure they only have what they need.


Filter in All Machines - Display Active computers only

AndrewW 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

It would be a huge improvement if the machine view in ConnectWise Access could have an option to only show machines that are online within a specific Company (i.e in the Company view)

Pending Review

Create Control Meeting Session from Manage Tickets

brett 5 years ago 0

Currently there is the integration ability to create Control Support sessions from within Manage tickets. It would be a great feature addition if we also had the ability to create Control Meeting sessions from within tickets as well. 

Pending Review

Add the ability to default all new sessions to public

jeff 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

We used to have the ability (without an extension) to have all new sessions created as public instead of code based private.  We would like that ability back.


New Session Groups do not appear in UI

MikeWalker 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

** This was not supposed to end up in 'Feature Requests'  please move **

Session groups created after upgrade to 19.2 do not appear in UI.  Still not resolved in 19.5.

They do appear in SessionGroup.xml and session groups created in prior versions continue to operate as normal.

Attempting to create a group a second time gives an error it already exists. 

Prior to issue I had 12 groups in addition to defaults. 

I have no extensions installed.  

Under Review

Allow user to view screenshot, but not join session

Welz 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

I can allow users to view the screenshot using 


But I can only allow them to Update Guest Info if they have 


I don't want users to be able to join the session, just to be able to view the screenshots and update them as needed.

I noticed that multiple other permissions also seem to be bundled in with it (like chat) - but Commands/Toolbox have their own permission set.

TL;DR I'm hoping for more refined security permissions where they aren't bundled a bunch of permissions into one.

Pending Review

reboot without logging in

Wesley Shelton 5 years ago updated by Ethan Maleki 5 years ago 4

Looking for a way to reboot remote PC from SC without logging in to remote PC

Pending Review

immediate disconnect of client system from Host system (as to not display contents of last viewable screen from the guest system)

Don Simpson 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

I have noticed in using the Control product, that the last viewed contents of the guest system are viewable on the host system. I would like to see a feature where either this scenario is removed so the client disconnect is instantaneous, or a configurable one, such as a disconnect timeout period, that can be "configured" by the product owner (such as my current employer). 

I am making this suggestion because I feel that there are situations where the IT technician, as the host, connecting to the guest system, the client, may inadvertently view sensitive data once the guest/client disconnects from the session. I see this a security risk factor for organizations. 

Pending Review

Create new listings when using a company image on multiple devices

Break it til it works 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this request, but I'll drop it here and hope it gets to the right people.

Long story short, I work for an MSP, and we service several different types of clients. During a recent upgrade project, we were unsatisfied with the current imaging process, so I built an image for this particular client. It made things much easier, and drastically more efficient due to the specialized software they used being an absolute nightmare to install from scratch. 

Not thinking about it, I set the 'golden image' up completely, CW agent, ScreenConnect, the whole 9 yards. In the past we have been able to set up everything EXCEPT the ScreenConnect and CW stuff, and then do that after the fact. Not a super huge deal, but when you are talking about 150+ machines, the time adds up. What I would like to see (and it may already exist, and I just don't know how to do it) is when a machine is imaged, the first time it connects to the domain / network, it creates a new listing in the database using the machines current name, location (site) settings, etc. 

We ran them as they were, and some of the machines show up in the database, but it seems to randomly choose which machines it wants to show, and when it wants to show them. For instance, I can go into our database now and see 2 out of 5 machines in a particular department. I can go back in 10 minutes, and see the other 3, but not the original 2. The only solution we have found thus far is to completely remove the listing from CWManage, uninstall ScreenConnect via the uninstall tool, then re-install as if it was never there... which takes longer than just not having it baked into the 'golden image' and running the installer once the machine is in place.