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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

MTR tool

Viktor Nagornyy 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

Would be nice if there was a built-in MTR tool, so we could troubleshoot connection issues without the need for additional tools.

Pending Review

Add a drop down keypad to the ad hoc site for the client to enter their code

BrianD 5 years ago 0

Add a drop down keypad to the ad hoc site for the client to enter their code for us to connect

Pending Review

Adhoc Enter Support Code Keypad

David Kraynik 5 years ago 0

We have a link to our Adhoc login on our website however many of our customers are using touch screen POS stations that we are trying to connect to. Can we enable a number pad popup on the number entry box since our clients typically do not have access to a physical keyboard and/or cannot locate the Windows keyboard?

Pending Review

RUN BUTTON doesn't disappear, put it on top of all windows or have it in a folder we can navigate users too. 8 out of 10 users can not find the RUN button after clicking join session. Please make visible or in a specific location.

Robin Hurst 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

RUN BUTTON doesn't disappear, put it on top of all windows or have it in a folder we can navigate users too. 8 out of 10 users can not find the RUN button after clicking join session. Please make visible or in a specific location.


Session Group Filter For Recently Added

Ran_Dee 5 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 6

Since my client is set to install via GPO on devices joining the domain, or after reboot, I get devices connected to my ScreenConnect sessions frequently. Unfortunately, I have no way to determine which computers were joined unless I were to make the installer completely blank, but then I would need to figure out what site they were at. 

There should be a session group filter option for recently added. This will let us determine which devices recently joined the sessions list. 


Better late than never... This is the syntax you'd want to use:

  FirstEventTime > $4DAYSAGO

(You can replace 4 with whatever number you want.)

Pending Review

Timeline extended to record unlimited amount to be saved in a single CSV formatted file

Samiamias 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Simple way to save all sessions so I can go back and review and/or have evidence of working with my customers.

Implementation up to the developers...

Under Review

Use SecurityPanel.DisplayNameVisible in Consent Message

Elliot Bath 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

We have SecurityPanel.DisplayNameVisible currently set to True, so Display Names are used throughout Control.

However, when prompting for consent, it uses the variable {0}, which shows the user name instead.

Would be great if this could be changed and we could use the Display Name here.


push notification for 2FA

rick 5 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 3

I like LastPass Authenticator because it supports Push Notifications and "one click" accept. I haven't found this as an option with Google Authenticator. Am I overlooking that feature?

Pending Review

The ability of multiple entities accessing the same machine

Craig Anderson 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Corporate Entity who have Franchisee who also need access; however, the Corporate Entity will need the ability to see all Franchise and Corporate machines while the Franchisee would only need to see their own machines.