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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Blank *Host* Monitor feature for the Guest Client

Simon 6 years ago 0

Let's say the Guest is entering his or her credit card details, social security number, or anything else the Guest may find sensitive. In such cases, the Guest would probably appreciate having the ability to blank the Host's monitor (well, the Host Client window, to be precise—don't need to blank the entire monitor!) or else pause the connection (because, currently, the Guest only has the ability to end the session).


Add "Customer" Field under Organization Field

william meshchery 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 5

With the way our business is structured, we would like to input and organize more fields under each access PC. 

If possible, it would be nice to have a "customer" field under the organization field.

Ultimately it would be even better if we can create custom fields ourselves that would go under each PC in access.

Under Review

Customize fields under computer name ( Session details)

msatterfield 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Ideally we could customize hide/display what information is displayed under the computer name in the middle viewing area. These view settings should be independent of the side information panel. This is particularly relevant when enabling custom properties to be displayed, as they show under the name and it congests the view. 

Image 275


Make right has side like older versions of software.

dan braun 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

In the Access view, the pane on the right with the thumbnail should be combined with the general tab that has IP and login information.  Like older versions of the software.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Dan, 

To get the thumbnail image on the General tab, install the Add Screenshot to General Tab extension.


Under Review

Indication when session has expired when at the screenconnect.com web page

bruce 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

when looking at my list of machines on the access page, if the session is expired there is no indication. When you then try to initiate a remote control session it fails silently.


Calling card applet

Alex307 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

The majority of our clients have strict software restriction policies set via Group Policy in Windows that restrict applications from running the in Local Appdata folders.

The ScreenConnect one time client has a fairly long path and a different EXE file name every time it’s downloaded, which makes it very difficult to exempt from the SRP.

Unfortunately, a lot of our clients wouldn’t approve the access client as they don’t want us having unrestricted/unattended access to all of their machines without user interaction – or the ability for the user to disable.

Our suggestions - what Logmein currently does:

Get around this issue by having a calling card application – which can be installed through group policy. Essentially the user has an applet on their machine which they open and can enter the session code – which means they’re authorizing access and are aware we’re logging into their machine.


relate session item to the serial number of guest (prevent creating duplicates)

Silas Sulser 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Hi everybody

We really love your product, but there is one really annoying thing.

Unfortunately every session is related to the installation of the MSI on the client (timestamp when it was installed or so).

That means, if you install and uninstall the ConnectWise Control client on one device for 5 times, you have 5 sessions in your control panel with the same name (duplicates).

We have over 1000 clients in our PROD environment, and reinstalling a device is a common thing.

So we have to pre-delete the specific session item first to not create any duplicates....

My suggestion: please relate this session item to the serial number of a client (this is unique!!).

If there is already an item with the same serial number, dont create any new one!

If there is no session item with this serial number, your'e good to go, a new item can be created.

Is there already something like that? How do you handle that?

Thanks in avance


anonymous 6 years ago

Hey Silas,

Seems you are not selecting the Uninstall and End option. The End action removes the session from the list.



Windows AD Auth MFA Attribute

smonteverde 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Would like to be able to choose something other than Description for MFA key. We use AD Description field for other purposes. Would be better as a custom attribute

Considering for Future Release

secret server online integration

Mehmet Ali Demirci 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

secret server online integration

Not a bug

Message window shows "Time Connected" incrementing *after* disconnecting

Paul Gallo 6 years ago updated by A9G Data-Droid 6 months ago 2

The Status section of the Message box shows "Time Connected:" and starts incrementing from 1 second upward. Later, when we disconnect after the work is done, that same Message window continues incrementing the "Time Connected" !

Our clients are concerned that if it's not us connected, that someone else is connected.

Not a good representation of the tool or our service.
