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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


guest mic transmit only option

josburn 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Current buttons allow host mic, speakers, silent, and all mics. Requesting addition of a guest mic only option.


Add the ability to specify which day database scheduled activities occur.

Mark Walker 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Add the ability to select which day of week (or day of month, if a monthly task) that database maintenance occurs instead of just the time.


Using 4 digit remote code sometimes can get a duplicate ID

jose phillips 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

In own environment we use 4 digit connection code in some ocations some code are repeated please use a check to validate if the code is already exists to get another one.


Ability to select language profile (and UI config) when creating a new session

Kenneth 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 0

Since we support end-users all around europe, we would like to be able to create sessions in different languages (and UI configs).

Please give use the ability to select between different customizations when creating a session.

I also think it would be great if the end-user and the tech can have different language settings for the session.

e.g. "Tech Steve" would like his session to be in english as he's used to."

End-user Pablo" needs support and needs his entire experience in spanish. In addition there is custom branding, landing page, email, etc for his experience.

Meanwhile "End-user Franz" has a customized experience where everything he sees is translated to german and the UI has different settings for him.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Kenneth,

Are you aware of the Translation/Localization category on the Extension Browser? If you have say the Spanish Translation installed and you create a new session with a guest who has Spanish as a preferred and enabled language in their web browser it should translate the text on the guest page and client to the guest preferred language. Give it a try and let us know if you notice any issues.

Your request for client customization options per session was a duplicate request, so I merged it as a +1.

Under Review


Casey Condo 8 years ago 0



Change cursor on remote to match cursor on host

Linc Myers 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

For example when using Photoshop, the pointer/cursor shows standard arrow pointer normally. When you click to select a different tool such as 'lasso' or paint or crosshair, the cursor/pointer changes on host as expected, but remote cursor/pointer remains an arrow.

anonymous 7 years ago


We did some initial testing and could not reproduce the behavior you've mentioned, that is, on the latest release. Support for cursor type capture on Macs has been added in v6.1, and is working as intended.



annes 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

to have a basic laser pointer to show the user where to click without engaging or actually doing the clicking on the users screen, the idea is to get the user to click without disrupting them or doing any clicking for them, instead of dragging the cursor around it can be a bright pin point direct marker to show them "right here"

anonymous 7 years ago


You can use the tool without clicking (hover). Clicking produces the drawing.


This forum login use same login info as the support forum

Sean Johnson 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Copy session with email to clipboard

Ruud 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

I use a lot of support sessions that I create on demand. It would be great if I add a session with the 'Invite' option it will automatically copy the session link and certain predefined text to the clipboard automatically.


ChromeOS app - not able to deselect remote screens for viewing.

Randy Clements 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

The ChromeOS app simply renders all screens. There is no way to toggle them on or off. There is a generic Zoom and Pan control, but this is not very useful.