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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Easier security customization for user access privlidges

Matt Wyen 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

currently the security section can be a bit much for anyone attempting to learn manage it. and since you don't typically change it that often you tend to forget what things do.

Easier security settings would be great. It feels like a chore trying to configure the simplist of user access right currently

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Matt,

We've redesigned the security page UI in 6.1 to make it more intuitive. Check it out once 6.1 is released and let us know what you think.


Add a raise and lower hand button for questions by guests in Meetings.

Luc 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

This would allow the meeting function to be used for online class room collaboration. The host could see a raised hand on the participants panel next to the name of a guest. Most software that do this are painful to use and expensive!


License Usage Report column blank under Admin

Toby 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 4

When I go under the Admin section and click on License, the Usage Report column is blank so we cannot easily see how many licenses ScreenConnect thinks are being used at a given time. We are a LabTech customer and have some ScreenConnect ad-hoc licenses.


Mac Client enhancements

Timrycroft 8 years ago updated by Derm 7 years ago 5

We run a business which is 99% Mac and as such our engineers all run on Apple devices. The Mac App appears to be a distant attempt of what you get on the windows version. It would be nice to have it skinned and enhanced so it matches the same feature set as well as look and feel.

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago

Hi Tim,

6.1 will introduce some great Mac features to help decrease the parity between the two clients. We're looking at doing a refresh of the UI in Q1 or Q2 of next year. If you're in our focus group, we'll be sending out a sneak peek later this week of the new 6.1 features. I'm closing this general issue as we have specific issues to address each enhancement. So declined, but not declined :-)


Improved Mobile app input

RADRaze2KX 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

I suggested a tablet style input about a year and a half ago, but was told that due to certain complexities between the app input and the remote screen, it was unfeasible. Instead, I'd like to propose an alternative to make using the mobile app a bit quicker for people to use.

Currently, tapping on the screen in a mobile device equates to the position of the cursor on the remote system. Single-, double-, and triple-tapping all migrate the remote mouse cursor to a new coordinate.

As an alternative, I would like to see a double-tap move the cursor and left-click (like a macro gesture). A double-tap-hold would move the cursor, and hold the left click. A Triple-tap would move the cursor and double-click the remote mouse.

Not sure if these detections are feasible... A timer-on-tap that only stays active for 200-500ms upon first tap that translates consecutive taps into a macro to activate the remote mouse would be, in my opinion, a blessing for us mobile-heavy users.

Double-tapping is currently a quick-zoom. I don't seem to use it very much, pinch zooming is a lot more natural and controllable on tablets and mobile phones.


Add ability to add Session Groups based on Office Version

jdiaz 8 years ago updated by mhighsmith 7 years ago 1

We are in the process of upgrading from Office 2007 to Office 2016. It would be great to be able to add a session group that shows computers that still were using office 2007. We could then send commands to just those machines in order to kickoff an update script. Most of our machines are remote so we can't just use group policy since they rarely connect to the network. We used sessions groups when upgrading all computers from older versions of windows and it was nice being able to just focus on computers that were filtered into certain groups. Thanks for your time.

mhighsmith 7 years ago

you should be able to do this with the following extension:

Set Session Properties From System Variables


Add screenconnect to amazon store

eric hartman 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 11 1 duplicate

Looks like ScreenConnect is not available on the Amazon store. Seems like an easy win to load it on there, right? We'll use it.


Runtime Errors sent via email

carlos 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

Whenever a runtime error occurs, instead of having to configure the CustomErrors flag and show it to the end user who probably wont understand it, send the same info that would be shown via email to an administrative account in order to take inmediate actions


Disconnect Mapped Printers on Host Disconnect

Jeffro 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

I would love if when the host disconnects from a session, it removes any printers that were automatically mapped by screenconnect. This way, even if it has to install all 15 of my printers instead of just the default, it still removes all of those printers when the Host disconnects so the end user is not left with multiple non working printers to confuse them.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hi Jeffro,

On 6.0+, printers installed should be removed from the guest machine when the host logs off.


Redirect Full keyboard when fullscreen or selected like logmeinrescue

Kenny K 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

We support several customers where the app relies on conrol key as input. Currently screenconnect only sends control keys with combination of another key such as copy paste.

Or maybe add an option for full keyboard commands to client within the same menu with lock keybaord and blank screen.