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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Computer Tracking

andrew 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

WOW! What a great program you have turned out! Without it I would be out of business or running around, spend a lot of gas and time otherwise.

I have one small request that may have already been requested here (just too lazy to look) regarding tracking. We already can pretty much keep track of our customers with everything we need, information wise but how about tracking a stolen or moved computer.

I currently use a program called Prey that is invisible to the user and anyone else for that matter, that tracks the computer and devices that I want to keep up with. In case of a laptop stolen, I can shut it down, lock it up, delete files and make the device unusable.

For a few extra bucks, I would be willing to pay for a security enhancement software that I could do through ScreenConnect. I know I may be asking for too much but it was the thought that counts.

Keep up the great work guys!



CTRL + ALT + INS hotkey to send CTRL + ALT + DEL

Samuel 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

So for anyone out there that uses VMWare, you know CTRL + ALT + INS is a hotkey to send CTRL + ALT + DEL through to the console. Can we design ScreenConnect to do the same thing? Sure it's just a couple clicks away, but it would be a great convenience to not even have to do that.

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago

CAD commands are mapped to Ctrl-Alt-Home in SC Host Client. Other shortcuts are mapped here: https://help.screenconnect.com/Keyboard_mapping_and_keyboard_shortcuts_reference. We don't use insert as to not conflict with other tools.


More v6 UI suggestions

MrEastwood 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 5
  1. There's 2 icons at the bottom left menu, Admin and Administrator. When I click on Admin, the title is Administration in the secondary menu. I'm assuming Administrator is my user name. Quite confusing overall. How about using "Settings" in place of Admin/Administration?
  2. The bottom-most menu item brings up a pop-up menu instead of the menu items appearing in the 2nd pane like all the other secondary menu UI elements. Would prefer to see it the same as the rest of the UI for consistency.
  3. The bottom left icon is a capital A in a blue circle, it really doesn't match with the rest of the graphic icons. Perhaps change it to something more appropriate, what I'm not sure. A book (implying a help manual), or a bust of a person (implying personal menu items) or a megaphone (implying communication)...
  4. Extensions page: the menu items to Browse, Check for Updates etc are at the bottom. When I have a long list of extensions, those menu items are not visible. It would make more sense to have them always visible by moving them to the top of the Installed Extensions list.
  5. The installed extensions boxes have plenty of room for 3 lines of description, but there's only 1 line showing. I know it's niggling but why not allow the description all 3 lines to display, so we don't have to go to the extensions directory if we forget what the details of an extension is.
  6. Extensions versioning: It would be nice if you would make it a rule that if an extension is allowed in the extensions directory, that in the description it also shows what versions it is known to work with. This will prevent new SC subscribers from discovering a bunch of useful extensions that don't actually work with their version (for example, how More Pages is still listed but only works with versions 5.5 or below), and wasting a lot of their time trying to get it to work only to discover that it doesn't. This system works very well for things like the Wordpress plugin directory, for example.
  7. Collapsible secondary menu: If for instance I open the Access menu, the secondary menu takes up roughly a quarter of my screen. It would be nice if it were collapsible so that I have more room to work with the tools on the rightmost pane for computers.

Most of these are not major issues nor important bug fixes, they're really just minor little things that I've thought might polish the new UI up a bit. Thanks for listening!

anonymous 7 years ago

Thanks for submitting your ideas and thoughts; I have shared them with our UIX team. 


New desired location (Brasil)

Filipe Luciano 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Please add a new location close to Brasil. The latency is a real problem compared to others solutions. It is a simple action to improve the quality of screen connect to latin-american costumes.


Icon highlights

dray 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

On the default screen the logo in the top right is blue with a white outline. Shen clicking on "Support", "Meeting", or "Access" the grey changes to white, but the blue square remains. I suggest changing the icon changes to the blue background on whichever icon you choose.


Password capture for auto logon when rebooting user PC's in domains or workgroups

Paul R 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Would like to have the feature (similar to other remote software currently on the market) that captures user credentials (in domain or workgroup PC) to allow remote techs to do a reboot during work on the unit without requiring user to be present to re type the password or without having them divulge a sensitive password to a tech..

anonymous 8 years ago

I think the Manage Credentials feature may be exactly what you are looking for. https://help.screenconnect.com/Miscellaneous_menu


Update ChangeLog

DaMtechMatt 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 7 1 duplicate

In the Admin Panel, when it states there is a new version, can it also state whats new since the currently installed version.


Make it possible to change the send folder on the host computer

joel 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

I would like to be able to change the default folder when sending files from my (the host) computer to the client.
Right now this is set to always open the documents folder but I want to point it to a folder of my choosing so I can minimize the searching whenever I need to send a file to a client.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hey Guys,

This has been completed and merged into 6.5. The client will now remember and open the last location a file/folder was sent/received. 

Please follow our release output stream linked below to know when it's available.



Full Screen Window | Border Color Option

DrYou 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

By default when we connect to a computer the background changes to black. I understand this is an option and were fine with the setting. But when using this setting and going full screen the window border matches the desktop and it can be hard to tell where the desktop stops. Can we get an App Config setting to change the window color. See image attached for example.

Image 16


Windows Server 2016 Support

JDrake 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 13

Please include support for the latest Windows Server 2016. As an MSP, we are already deploying it and need our enterprise remote tools to keep up.