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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Notification when a password has been captured with Timestamp & Test Button

Terrance Pusateri 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 4

It would be a nice feature if SC will have a notification box/window that indicates that a password has been captured.

If a password has been captured, then it should have a timestamp and a test button.


Idle Disconnect should recognize file transfer as host activity

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Partner's request that file transfer activity register as host activity so large transfers will not get stopped due to an idle disconnect.

Under Review

Draw tool is helpful, but needs additional colors and an eraser.

skywalk 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Please add color and an eraser for clarity of discussion.


nginx reverse proxy by default

Cory Silva 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 6

For linux installation just default to a script that installs NGINX or APACHE as a reverse proxy since that seems to be the only way to have a compliant and secure server installation.

(Support Chat that lead to this feature request)

Please wait while I access your information

Mike Hulme
08:48 AM
Hello Cory. TLS is not disabled through ScreenConnect but done at the OS level. I found this post that may help you: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst4574_Testing-and-Fixing-Poodle-on-Windows-Linux-ScreenConnect-servers.aspx#post18173
Mike Hulme
08:49 AM
Was there anything else we could help with today?
Mike Hulme
08:49 AM
Umm let me take a look at that link
Cory Silva
08:50 AM
Sure, no problem.
Mike Hulme
08:50 AM
Oh I see, reverse proxy is the answer. Okay okay I guess I will spin up a reverse proxy server...
Cory Silva
08:58 AM
For the suggestion box: The default installation on linux should just include nginx if that is the only way to be compliant.
Cory Silva
08:59 AM
Thanks man.
Cory Silva
08:59 AM
No problem! And an fyi for you: our feature request portal is here: http://screenconnect.userecho.com/ All feedback like that is very helpfl for our development team.


Allow guest chat when input is suspended

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by Jeremy Barnes 5 years ago 8

Partner would like the ability for a guest to use the Chat function while guest input is suspended.

User Story:

Partner will work on a guest machine and may need to chat with the guest while the guest input is suspended. Partner would not like to return full control to the guest, but would like them to be able to type in the Chat area.

guest_client chat suspend_input

disable depreciated RC cyphers/SSL in mono

Ryan 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 2 1 duplicate

Partner would like to disable out of date security protocols on Mono


Give temporary access to other contractors or guests

MrEastwood 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 6

There is an old post in the forums HERE that addresses it. My LogMeIn pro license through another RMM vendor allows me to grant temporary access to a third party for up to 90 days.

Examples where this would be used:

- give a software vendor temporary access to a server to install and configure their software

- give a developer temporary access to a web server to configure it for new development

- give an end user access to their computer temporarily for those emergency calls where they're on the road travelling and need something back at the office

I *could* go through the motions of creating a new SC user, then creating a special Role for them to access a particular server but it's a lot of work I think. Would be nice if there was an interface under Security where we could do this simply from a checklist: add a temporary user, add the length of time the credentials are valid for, then choose from a list what machines they can access. There could be a new default role called "temporary" or "contractor" just for this.

Not only that, but it would only give them access to the Host page with only the machines that were selected for them.

Pending Review

ARM64 for Windows11

felipe 3 months ago 0


It took ConnectWise over 3 years to release a Apple Silicon native application for Mac. It looks like ARM64 for Windows is about to take off on 6/18. Has this been added to ScreenConnect's roadmap to release a ARM64 for Windows?

Pending Review

Timeline Date and Time

matt 9 months ago 0

Please return the timeline to the actual date and time.  

Our (and many other) billing department uses the timeline extensively and the current 'x-days ago' adds to their workload and makes quick reviews of activity more difficult.

Thank you,
