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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Ability to Disable Forgot Password

Phil K 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 4
I'd like the ability to fully disable password resets.  I have no use for this feature but it's something malicious actors could continuously beat up against.

Hi All,

This option is available in release version 19.3. In the appearance tab of the Admin page, search (ctrl+f) for LoginPanel.ForgotPasswordLinkVisible and set the value to false in Custom.

Considering for Future Release

iOS App needs a serious overall.

Jordan 6 years ago updated by Adam Schwartz 4 years ago 4

I am moving from TeamViewer. I am a tech that is often out of the office and need a Mobile app that is friendly and fast. Currently, your app is using a mobile-friendly version of your site in an app window. It's not actually an app that connects to your servers. It is not fast, nor easy to use. When I am out I am not looking for full Admin control.... I am just looking to connect quickly and easily with the tools I need to remote assist a customer. I know it's not cheap to design apps or update them, but please address this. As a prospective client... it causes me serious concern if I might have trouble while in the field. 

Under Review

SAML AzureAD support on Linux

David Szpunar 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Really need SAML 2.0 support for AzureAD integration on Linux. Documentation isn't even clear that this isn't supported on the AzureAD configuration page (there's a warning at the top of the previous, overall "SAML" documentation page). Apparently to do SSO with AzureAD for my techs I'm stuck migrating my server and paying 3X the cost of a Linux box that's worked well for us since version 4 of ScreenConnect...

Pending Review

Windows UAC

jeckhardt 6 years ago updated by imorley 8 months ago 3
When on a remote session with a user, if the Windows UAC dialog appears and prompts the user for a password, the support agent does not see this. It would be nice to at least be notified that the UAC has appeared. 

Pending Review

Salesforce integration

aron eaker 6 years ago 0

Would be great to have ability to launch screenconnect from salesforce and ticket integration to customer accounts.

Under Review

"Use Machine name" character limitation

Chris_W 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Microsoft removed the 15 character limitation in hostnames, so computers can have a fair few more characters.

ScreenConnect/Control, when using the "use Machine Name" option cuts off at 15 characters.

You can specify a value that is longer than this 15 character limit which makes no sense why it is being limited.

The issue this is causing is when you have something that integrates through to ScreenConnect using the hostname the result cant be found as the computer is called "MyComputerName-" instead of "MyComputerName-ItsVeryLong"

Under Review

Ability to Hide Command Tab for users

ntibayan 6 years ago updated by jrewolinski 5 years ago 3

Please add the ability to hide the command tab or chat tab for specific roles.

Pending Review

Conference call number

Ben Walker 6 years ago 0

Have an option in the meeting area, for all users to be able to see and ring a conference number to connect to rather than using mic and speakers on PC / Laptop

Considering for Future Release

Biometric USB Inputs

Candi McKelvey 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

To allow us to have full functionality for application access and testing on our remote servers, please allow pass-through of USB input devices such as biometric (fingerprint) readers .

Under Review

Modify display machine count

Jake Sutton 6 years ago updated by Dax 2 years ago 2 1 duplicate

In version 6.6 once over a 1000 machines are listed the message pops at the top of the access section saying 'limited to 1000, click to show all'

It would be great if we could choose a number less then a 1000 to display by default. Our techs all use the search function so we could shrink this to 300 displayed which could improve the speed of the portal.