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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

USB Smartcard Passthrough

Dallas Koeppe 2 years ago updated by Wof 6 months ago 3

Please add USB Smartcard Passthrough to allow authentication in windows environments that require a Smartcard for login.

Under Review

Change Destination Folder for sending files.

nabozny 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

Could you make it possible to give techs access to change the destination folder. Everytime I send a file to a PC, it ends up in this directory and the file is unable to launch. 

"C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Documents\Applied Tech ScreenConnect Agent\Temp"

After it send its file, it doesnt open and I have to go move the file to a folder I can open from. 

In backstage, I move xfile.exe to "C:\Documents"

Is there anyway we could modify where this sends to, it makes it really inconvenient when trying to do backstage work and I have to grab the file everytime. 

Pending Review

Higher audio quality

benjamin 2 years ago 0 1 duplicate

I love the product and have been using it since 2015, but there hasn't been single improvement in audio quality since then, which seems bonkers. Just like you can choose between the video quality, you should be able to choose been the audio quality. Seems pretty basic! I asked about this in 2016 and 2017 via email and was told that this was possible.

Pending Review

One Way Clipboard Sharing

Ryan Christensen 2 years ago 0

Would like to enable one way clipboard sharing that goes from the Guest to the Host but not the other way around. We don't want to accidentally copy sensitive passwords to end user computers but would like the ability to easily copy text from the Guest to the Host.

Pending Review

Arch Linux Support

Andrew Speer 3 years ago updated by Julian 9 months ago 9

Create support for systemd exclusive Linux variants such as Arch Linux.

Software fails to install due to not utilizing init.d for services.

Under Review

Chromebook, iOS, android client

Peter Groman 3 years ago updated by Robs 2 months ago 9

Currently, in my instance, I can only create a client install for Windows, Mac or Linux.  I want to be able to remotely view the screen (and control if possible) Chromebook, iOS and Android devices.  Tablets, phones, etc.

Splashtop and Teamviewer already have this.  Why doesn't ScreenConnect?

Pending Review

Allow machines to be excluded from global lock on disconnect

Duane Tackett 3 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

We currently have the setting configured in ConnectWise Control to lock machines when we disconnect. However, we have a couple of machines that we would like to exclude from this requirement. They are machines used to display information and it is difficult to get around this. Can we add an option to exclude certain machines form this setting? Or to allow/disable based on location or other criteria?

Pending Review

Add support for Encrypted Syslog

zedly 3 years ago 0

While investigating the use of Syslog on our cloud hosted instance of ConnectWise, it doesn't appear that any type of Syslog encryption is supported. This exposes sensitive audit logging that would traverse the public internet to reach a syslog ingestion point. 

Rsylsog, Syslog-ng, etc support TLS encrypted communication which ConnectWise could connect to if supported.

Pending Review

Easy clear of the message Notification Dot

jpope 3 years ago 0

Would be nice to have a selection/ button to clear the Message Notification Dot(s) on some sessions without having to reinstall the client or delete the session. 

Pending Review

Allow Client Version column export in Report Manager

Ambroise 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 0

It would be nice to be able to extract the currenty client version when exporting Sessions (Report Type = Session) in the Report Manager extension.

The ClientVersion field is currently only exportable when using Report Type = SessionConnection.

I use a CSV export of my clients to make cross-checks with other internal tools and make sure we don't miss devices in Control (or have too many that we don't have elsewhere), but I would also appreciate to be able to report an old client version.