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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Embedded Theme Additional Colors

Max Shipek 4 years ago updated by jsattelmaier 3 years ago 3


This has been proposed before, considered and implemented about 2 years ago.  However, for some reason, it's been removed.  I don't understand why an improvement feature would be added and then over a 2 year period be silently removed.  Here are the two feature requests I'm referring to:



Currently, the only embedded theme is red.  According to the above feature request links, it states this is implemented and closed or completed.

Can we get this functionality back in some way shape or form?  I'd be happy with just adding the blue back to the embedded theme options.  Currently every other theme option has all 3 color options.  The embedded theme is the only one that the color options were left out and I don't understand why.

Thank you,

Under Review

how we can see who has issue Host Pass ? I want to see a list of Host Pass currently active, I can revoke, but can’t see what I’m revoking?

Sarang Prasad Barik 4 years ago updated by Rhys Comley 2 years ago 3

how we can see who has issue Host Pass ? I want to see a list of Host Pass currently active, I can revoke, but can’t see what I’m revoking?

Pending Review

Add permissions for each of the tabs - Commands, Software, etc.

Keith Falato 5 years ago updated by Steve Schatteman 3 years ago 4 1 duplicate

It would be helpful to have individual permission for each of the following tabs: Commands, Processes, Software, Event Log and Updates.  Currently these all seem to be tied to the "RunCommandOutsideSession" and "RemoveCommandFromSession" permissions.

For example, we want to remove the Commands tab for a certain Role, but still want that Role to have access to Process, Software, Event Log and Updates.  Currently it is all or nothing for these tabs.

Pending Review

Add a "lock computer" shortcut to the toolbar

Tyler Noble 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2
Considering for Future Release

Allow host connected banner/balloons notifications settings per role

mqu 5 years ago updated by Max Carrillo 10 months ago 6

Currently, the host connected banner/balloons notifications settings are only available globally under admin configurations. 

These settings are meant to decide whether users should be notified when they're being remotely controlled, which is important for certain industries; or access should be silent with less screen clutter for admin's convenience or monitoring purposes.

Oftentimes, we'd want this behavior to be different under different circumstances and different hosts. For example, we'd want one user role to always trigger the banner (for MSP techs etc), while another role is allowed to go in silently (for client's own access, or a monitoring manager, or a trusted senior admin etc).

It would be nice to provide some checkboxes under Role permissions to allow role-based balloon/notification settings to override the global settings.

Under Review

Add 'Display Name' value from AD at user details on a machine

Thomas Engler 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Unfortunately after an update to a newer version, we lost the 'Display Name' information and are now left with the user's logon name. Can we get the Display Name back as this helped a lot to quickly find our to be supported users.

Currently we need to check another system to verify the user's logon name and can then search for that.

Pending Review

Launch Backstage via URL

cps 5 years ago updated by Zac Janes 11 months ago 3

Please provide the ability to directly launch a Backstage session from a URL, as is currently possible for a console/ desktop session.

At present it is possible to open a new session via URL by appending /Join to its base URL. For example, if the URL for the computer is:


This opens the host page. But by appending /Join as follows:


This launches a console/desktop session. This is extremely useful in constructing integrations to third party tools without having to get third party engineers involved or having to dip into APIs. For example, we use this capability in order to integrate Connectwise Control with Datto RMM (formerly Autotask). We have also constructed shortcut keyboard macros for directly launching sessions from a text selection of the computer name.

More often than not we prefer to launch into Backstage with these integrations. Please provide a /Backstage option similar to the existing /Join option.

Pending Review

Ability to disable preview screenshot on session groups.

andrew 5 years ago updated by John Hagan 6 months ago 9

We have certain clients in session groups that cannot have screenshots taken of their computers due to compliance requirements. We'd like to be able to accommodate this without having to disable preview screenshots altogether. 

Under Review

Alternate two factor authentication

Ryan@ArmaghPOS 5 years ago updated by bsl2 5 years ago 2

We would like the ability to have an alternate / backup to the two factor authentication that can be used in the event the main device / method does not work.

Have a link called alternate authentication that is located under the authentication code part of security that the user can select to go to alternate method

Under Review

Increase page.background file size limit to allow for animated videos or gifs.

Nathan D. 5 years ago updated by Donald M. 1 year ago 3

The background size limit is preventing us from using GIFs of our company logo. 
We would like to be able to apply small gifs of our company logo to make our site 'pop' more. 
