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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Add additional Filters to the Audit Screen + Allow restrict export fields

Shannen 6 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 7 1 duplicate

Most of these exist if you export to CSV but it would be nice to filter it straight away instead of in Excel after + it would be nice to be able to select what columns to export within the CSV.

Filters to match CSV columns:

Organization  (Drop-down + Auto-complete if start typing + Allow multi-select somehow)

Participant Name (Allow / default wildcard so you can use part of name + maybe allow multiple people using a comma)

Event Type (Drop-down + Auto-complete if start typing + Allow multi-select somehow)

Process Type (Drop-down + Auto-complete if start typing + Allow multi-select somehow)

Filter for new 

Session Group (Drop-down + Auto-complete if start typing + Allow multi-select somehow)

Pending Review

Show last logged on user on a machine

James Camping 6 years ago 0

If there are no users logged on to a machine, it would be useful to display the last user that was logged into a machine. Or if there was a way to populate a field with the primary user of the machine and display it in the access area that would work as well.

Considering for Future Release

ConnectWise Meeting video chat

tschwall 6 years ago updated by Max Shipek 5 years ago 5

Ability to utilize streaming from a webcam during a meeting.  From a presenter and/or participants.

Under Review

Aspect Ratio or Scroll Bars on Remote Connection

ClarkFellows 7 years ago updated by c g 8 months ago 4 1 duplicate

The ability to select an aspect ratio, or allow a user to use a type of scroll bar on the remote connection in order to only view a certain section of a screen. For example, a user wants to keep a ConnectWise Control session where they only see half of the monitor to work with, and not the entire monitor.

Under Review

change color of the "controlled by" banner

stefan pirhofer 7 years ago updated by KevinR&R 4 months ago 6

Partners asking for the possibility to change the color of the controlled by banner to a "more eye catching" color.

Under Review

Option to force hosts to rename support session name instead of the default Untitled Session name

derekj 7 years ago updated by Fid sysad 7 months ago 11

I end up with 20 to 50 support sessions from various host users at the end of each business day ALL named the default value of: Untitled Session.

This is VERY annoying.

I'd like an option to force host users to rename the support session before being created/usable.  I could also take this 1 step farther and would like an option to force unique session names so if 1 already exists with the same name, it will throw an error to the host user to rename it something unique.

Katarina 7 months ago

Hey all, we just released a new extension that might help with this! It's called the Support Session Renamer, and it assigns a randomly-generated name to a newly-created support session. It uses two lists ("prefixes" and "names") to construct the support session name. You can also enter your own word lists in the extension settings.

Try it out and let me know what you think! We've got a bunch of ideas for adding additional features.

Considering for Future Release

Generate an .exe that can be run multiple times without creating a windows installed app.

Ed Jack 7 years ago updated by Marco Kraxner 5 years ago 8

Generate a client .exe connect file that can be run multiple times.

When terminated there would be no background process running and no windows program app to un-install.

This would enable us to ship this with our application and launch it whenever needed without forcing the client to navigate the internet and download the .exe file.


Google Play Store and Apple App Store buttons on Guest page

greg thurman 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

Please add a way to disable Google Play Store and Apple App Store buttons on Guest page. My clients are confused thinking they need to download that to get my support. My business and industry is ALL on the Desktop, so no need for those buttons. Thank you!

Under Review

monitor for reinstall progress

MikeD 7 years ago updated by PODcom 6 years ago 1

Having updated multiple versions over the years I have often thought it would be good to know what is going on

If I select all connected guests it will typically reinstall to 5,6 or 7 guests in one push request but there is no obvious way of knowing when it has encountered an error or just given up and needs to be restarted. As it is I have to open another browser window to monitor network throughput so that I know it has stopped trying

Whenever a PC disconnects and reconnects with the new version then the host window updates so a simple status message showing how many PCs it was still attempting to reinstall would be good

thanks Mike


Allow session groups to be sorted alphabetically

MSN 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Allow session groups to be sorted alphabetically (without having to sort manually). There could be an option to always display session groups alphabetically or there could be a one-off "Sort alphabetically now" option.

anonymous 7 years ago

An extension was released this morning that will allow you to sort sessions and session groups alphabetically.
