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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Integration with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus

JM__ 7 years ago updated by Clayton 7 years ago 1

Please look into building a plugin for ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus (on-premise). It looks like there is a way to build a custom remote tool plug-in within the ServiceDesk web interface, I just don't know how to make it work with ScreenConnect.

Thanks for your help

Under Review

Caps Lock Sync

Max Kaplan 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2 1 duplicate

It would be nice if the status of the caps lock on the remote machine were automatically updated to the status of that on the host machine when connecting. This has caused confusion for many of our users as if the caps lock is off on the host machine and on on the remote machine, the caps lock on warning is displayed on the Windows login screen even though the keys being sent from the host machine do not have the caps lock on. Users will often press the caps lock key to turn off the caps lock on the remote machine, in turn, turning it on on the host machine, and causing their password to be entered incorrectly. We've had to instruct our users to ensure their caps lock is off on the host machine and disregard the warning on the Windows login screen on the remote computer.

Under Review

Drag between dual monitors

dnorris 7 years ago updated by Michael Byrd 7 months ago 1

We left LogMeIn to use screenconnect purely for remote access to work PCs. We operate dual monitors on home and work PCs, so on remote access we split into 2 windows to replicate the work PC. We cannot currently drag files/windows across from Monitor 1 to monitor 2 which is a bit crippling and would seem a fairly basic function? Certainly worked smoothly with LogMeIn


Request: Show MAC address in General Information

Blake Freeman 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 5

Would love to see the MAC address of the computer that a session is running on. It would make some of our troubleshooting much easier!



We added the MAC address, along with a few other additional details, to the general tab. This should become available within the next two releases (6.6-6.7).

Under review

Print Screen behavior changed, now unusable.

Tim Braun 8 years ago updated by Kevin G 6 years ago 8


Installed SC 6.1.12292.6236 and now PrtScn and Alt+PrtScn button presses no longer copy the screen to the host clipboard. This is a very drastic change in behavior, and makes it much more difficult to quickly capture images of issues from remote guest machines.

After contacting support about this bug, your agent said the data is now added to the remote guest clipboard instead of the host clipboard. This seems great for a remote worker, but not for the rest of us using SC for client support. I was also displeased by your agent suggesting that we start using third party software to take screen shots. I also think many clients don't want the hosts dumping large screen shots on to their clipboards. The guest vs. host clipboard use should be a configuration option instead of making SC harder to use. Or at the least, copy the screen data to both clipboards instead of degrading the software for so many of your customers.



Considering for Future Release

Set timezone per server installation

bigdessert 8 years ago updated by Dylan 5 years ago 3 1 duplicate

Right now we host multiple servers on a single debian installation. All instances take the time of the local system. We would like to have one instance in central timezone and one in eastern timezone....etc. We would like to have a web.config setting to specify timezone.

Under Review

SwiftPoint IPad Bluetooth Mouse Support

Richard Pate 8 years ago updated by Chris Kasten 5 years ago 4

Our company has standardized on Apple iPad and iPhone. We use SC iOS app for user support daily. Bluetooth mouse hardware exists that is compatible with iOS, but currently, it only works within the RDP/VNC application Jump. It would be very helpful if SC could implement similar functionality.


  • SwiftPoint: swiftpoint.com/gt
  • Jump: jumpdesktop.com
Considering for Future Release

give ability in meetings allow guest to show their screen in a meeting.

mhighsmith 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

when in a meeting the presenter can permit a guest to show their screen to the group instead of the presenter's. and to be able then "revoke" the guest screen when completed to back to the presenter's.

Considering for Future Release

Force Update of Host Client

Matthew Swanson 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

We would like the ability to require that our hosts are using the latest version of the client software to connect to sessions.

For example, we have been users for quite some time, and some of our users are still using the original build of the application to connect to hosts. This keeps them from having access to the new client features such as the acquire wake-lock or the helper tools.

The options support gave us only seem to work on guests/access machines, and do not seem to force the updates to our agents/hosts.

Under Review

Drive available space trigger or session filter (Other properties or WMIC get commands)

computern 8 years ago updated by ManuelGonzalez IT 4 years ago 5

Ability to use other properties (or parameters from wmic) in triggers or session filters. (Mainly triggers.)

For example: Ability to be notified by a trigger that a client's server hard drive available space is low on drive C: or D:, etc. (below 10GB, or <100000, etc.)

This is similar to the memory property GuestSystemMemoryAvailableMegabytes, but instead for hard drive available space, and could be used to be proactive to possibly prevent drive failure. Other wmic parameters could also be useful.

We can use WMIC in commands. But would like this or something similar to be available for triggers and session filters.

Anything would be acceptable even if it was only available in triggers.

Thank you for your consideration.