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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Let your clients, who pay, decide whether or not to see surveys.

Tessa 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

It's ridiculous that I get prompted 50+ times a day to enter "what I think" about your product.  Your product is great, EXCEPT the fact that I get these surveys constantly!!! I've seen other forums on the same topic so I don't understand why this feature is still pestering me.  I'm giving you false reviews just to make it stop!  I saw one of your techs mention that the pop up rate is at 5%, there is absolutely no way this is true.  I would say 25%-45% of the time I receive one of these, it's such a hassle that I've come here to rant!

PLEASE get rid of this feature!  I'm not changing my app config and reinstalling the agent to fix a problem that you caused...


Considering for Future Release

Add app.config setting to disable new status indicators on tray icon

kebates 7 years ago updated by MELadminIT 6 years ago 2

The new status indicator dots on the tray icon are a nice feature, but I would prefer if they were optional. Thanks.

Under Review

Mac AutoConsentAfterSeconds not working

Dave T 7 years ago updated by Brett 6 years ago 4


Even after the Mac app.config features added in 6.1, a crucial one is missing.  We require the user's consent before taking remote control, and this is set at 5 seconds in our app.config settings--after which, we are given control regardless.  On the Mac client, this countdown never appears, causing the 5 second countdown to never be reached and thus we are NOT given control.  Net effect is machines are un-remotable without a user on the other end.  I have temporarily given our techs the "host session without consent" permission, but this is counter to our culture as the end-user is no longer warned (and presented with approval) that we are connecting.

Please advise.



Under Review

Host to host chat

Ryan S 7 years ago 0

A way hosts can chat without the guest seeing it.


Improve capture performance in 2008 r2

jeff 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2 1 duplicate

SC is using 25% of CPU in 2008 r2 with 4 cores. Behavior changed in SC 6.2. SC 6.1 used 6 or 7%.

Under Review

Yubikey OTP should be masked, clicking login shouldn't make the OTP not work

zackf 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

We use YubiKeys for our OTP dual factor authentication. On every other product that I've used Yubikey on(Gmail, LastPass, etc.) it enters the OTP masked as asterisks or dots. With Screen Connect it enters it as plain text, and also takes 10 seconds or so to login after the Yubikey does the carriage return which has lead to our users trying to click login which causes it to not accept the OTP. My expected behavior would be that when using the Yubikey for OTP it would enter it asterisk'd out, and would either immediately login, or when clicking login it would accept the OTP. There isn't any logical reason that clicking login before Screen Connect has taken the Yubikey OTP would make the OTP not work. I started a support ticket and was told it was functioning as intended which seems strange since it functions different than every other 2FA product I've ever used. I really appreciate any help on this!

Under Review

Whitelist for 2 Factor

hero 8 years ago 0

Hi, I am liking the 2 factor authentication, but I would love it if I could white list IP addresses so from the offices Techs did not have to wait for the text, but from outside they would.

Under Review

Allow changing the attribute used for 2FA for Active Directory users

bneste 8 years ago updated by nathaniel roudebush 4 years ago 3

If you use LDAP authentication you can tell Control to pull the token information for a user from a specific attribute rather than 'Description'. This is not an option when using Active Directory authentication and you're forced to use the user Description field. This is an issue (for us at least) and we'd rather use some other less commonly used attribute. Add the ability to change the attribute to look in.


Access page freezes when there are a lot of access sessions populating

Leah Jennings 8 years ago updated by Russell 6 years ago 5

We have 6400 access sessions with an access session group called "All Machines". That's the group we're in most often because it is easy to search for the machine you need, however if you don't search quick enough the whole Access page freezes and you can't click anything because it hangs on populating that many machines. Once the sessions populate, the page is horribly slow. If I click on another access session group with fewer machines (like 50), I see the URL update to the right group, but the page is still frozen. That's in Chrome. The same behavior is in IE, but it's not as sluggish after all the access sessions populate. FireFox behaves the same way, and is a little better than Chrome after the sessions populate but still more sluggish than IE. Would love to see some performance improvements so we aren't quickly trying to search before the page gets hung.

Effected browsers:

Chrome 57.0.2987.110 64-bit

IE 11.953.14393.0

FireFox 52.0 32-bit

OS I'm accessing SC from: Windows 10 Anniversary Edition

This is also an on-prem version of SC. Our version of SC is currently 6.0.11622, but this has always been an issue.

anonymous 7 years ago

Implemented performance improvements in 6.3 so loading is 4x faster. We're also planning out other web application and client performance improvements for the future. 

Under Review

Service Name and Service EXE name

juliomarcelo 8 years ago 0

add the possibility to change the name of the Service Name and Service EXE name in the client computer with unattended support.