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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Pin devices to the top of session groups

mjp073 8 years ago 0

I'd love to be able to pin certain devices to the top of a session group - for groups with heaps of devices, it would be great to for example have all the servers up top above workstations.

Under Review

Easier way to have many sub-session group filters

kurt 8 years ago updated by Emin Arvas 7 years ago 1 1 duplicate

I currently have a massive set of IIF statements to filter 1 group into several sub-groups here is an example:

IIF (GuestMachineName LIKE '*A-*', 'A',IIF (GuestMachineName LIKE '*B-*', 'B',IIF (GuestMachineName LIKE '*C-*', 'C','OTHER')))

This shows a tree like:


-> A

--> A-1

--> A-2

-> B

--> B-1

--> B-2

-> C

--> C-1

--> C-2


--> D-1

--> E-1

Is there an easier way to do this? If not this would be my request


Add sticky note on desktop

openpablohoney 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Would like to see the ability to add a branded sticky note to client's desktop during or after a session. I know this can be done by opening notepad etc. Still would be nice to place a branded note for instructions or hints. Thank you.

Under Review

Ability to generate older clients to support older OS from current server install

George Gunzelman 8 years ago updated by FAB-ITRescue 8 years ago 1

The issue here is the client is on OSX 10.5.8. He must be due to a proprietary software package he uses that requires Macintosh Rosetta emulation. Rosetta was discontinued after OSX 10.6.8. The newest software only goes back as far as OSX 10.7.

Other Remote Support software (Teamviewer) will detect the OS and download a version compatible with it. Can we do that? If not, I need to be able to generate older clients without having to install an older version of the server side. Having to install another server just to generate an older client is a heavy demand on resources.
Under Review

Larger Text Size ability within Message window for visually impaired

paul gallo 8 years ago updated 4 years ago 3

We service many elderly and some visually impaired clients who would greatly benefit from us being able to use LARGER Text size in the Message dialog chat window.

Under Review

Restrict Chat History

jesse 8 years ago updated by scremote 3 years ago 1

It would be helpful to be able to restrict permissions to view chat history. If I grant a client access to their computers using the ScreenConnect dashboard, they automatically have permissions to view all chat history for any given computer. I would like to be able to restrict this right to their own chat history, or none at all.


Move the "Reboot and Reconnect" buttons

dstones 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 3

I don't know about everyone else, but many techs at our company (myself included) use the Miscellaneous menu for the following actions VERY frequently: "Send Ctrl+Alt+Del", "Send Clipboard Keystrokes" and "Send To Screen". They may arguably be the most commonly used features in the tool set, at least for us.

That being said, after running through those actions thousands of times, you get in the habit of doing it quickly. I myself have hit the "To Safe Mode" button a handful of times and... gasp! then cancel out of the confirmation prompt. I know many others who have done the same.

It seems silly to me to have such critically affecting buttons placed in a spot right between two commonly used, non-critically affecting rows of buttons.

Can we please have the "Reboot and Reconnect" buttons moved to a slightly less convenient place, so that you HAVE to be intentional to click them, rather than having a much higher chance of unintentionally clicking them?


Legal Agreement / Disclaimer

paul 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1 1 duplicate

For on-site services, I normally require my customers to sign a legal disclaimer that basically says "Hey your system is already messed up. I'll do my best to fix it, but sometimes things may happen that are beyond my control which could result in data loss etc. I limit my liability to refund of services provided" (got the document from Technibbles Computer Business Kit).

I'd like the option to display such a legal disclaimer, and require clients to type their full and and click "I agree" for select sessions. Don't want it on all sessions as most of my sessions are for existing clients who have already signed the agreement. But an option when creating a new session to require the agreement would be great for new clients that I take care of remotely without meeting on-site first.

Ideas to be in the agreement:

  • I am the owner of this system or authorized to request this assistance
  • My data is backed up, and I understand a risk of data loss for non-backed up data
  • The system is already broken, hardware may be failing, may not be fixable
  • Liability is limited to refund of services provided
  • Payment due immediately after service is completed
  • Screen and input may be disabled as part of repair process
  • This software provides full access of the machine, including personal documents etc.
  • I will not access any personal document beyond what is required to provide the services
  • Warranty for services provided is XX days, warranty is limited to serviced issues/areas and is not all-inclusive of any new problems you may have during the warranty period.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Paul,

You could add the agreement terms to the JoinPanel.SupportPromptMessage, which will require the end user to acknowledge before the join process can continue. I pulled your agreement points into the resource, see below.



feedback survey

mhighsmith 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 12

generally i have nothing but nice things to say about screenconnect / connect. But this feedback survey that has been introduced in 6.1 is definitely an annoyance. I could see this survey popping up this much for a free product, but since it is a paid for product i think more than once a release is over the top. Please reduce this feedback or send out email requests for feedback.

mhighsmith 8 years ago

there is a new setting the app.config that will disable the feedback survey. that achieves the request:

here is the settting:


		<setting name="ShowFeedbackSurveyForm" serializeAs="String">


Under Review

Send email to session host

Ruud 8 years ago 0

I have multiple hosts and work mainly with support sessions. I prepare them and send them to our customers. I have finally implemented email and triggers so I get a message when a host connects or sends a message to a session without an active host.

However, I want to send it to the actual host, not only to a default address.

I tried to make it possible in automation, but it does not recognise the host owner if no host is connected.

I could have a workaround with a custom property if they can fill in an email address, but ideally I want to add an email address to each host. This leads me to 2 points:

1. Can I use if/then/else in triggers?

2. Can I use host owner (even when no host is connected to a support session) in triggers?

3. Can I add an email address to custom property and use if/then/else logic when it is empty to use default address?

4. Could you implement an email address to a host that will be emaild.

For 1 to 4, if not implemented, could you please make such a feature?