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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Support Session Defaut Join Mode

derekj 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

By default, when creating a new support session, the join mode is always defaulted to "invitation only". Our company always uses the "secure code" method. Is there a way to make the default join mode "invitation only" or let the admin choose the default join mode? Could you also please include the secure code value, by default in the application windows header when the name of the session is? It always get covered up during a session.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi derekj,

Thanks for following-up, we had to push the implementation to 6.3 since the design and the overall creation and invitation process is still being revised.



Considering for Future Release

Prevent automatic locking on disconnect access session when multiple hosts are connected

Michael Francis 8 years ago updated by Sean Keown 2 years ago 2

When we have multiple hosts working on a Access Session at the same time, if one of us disconnects, it locks the computer when the other host is still active. We want auto locking, but we want to have the option to set it to when the last host disconnects.


Right-Click menu appear upwards when lower down page

DaMtechMatt 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

When you right click an access host at the bottom of the page, the context menu is cut off.

Perhaps a way to make the menu pop out in an upwards direction when at the bottom of the page so we can still see the full list.


Updates to extension Guest Session Starter .exe

Ahmed Deghiedy 8 years ago updated by Philippe Millette 7 years ago 5 1 duplicate

Is it possible to update the extension Guest Session Starter .exe with the following:
1. Sound notification for the technician/engineer when the customer starts a connection using the guest sessions starter exe
2.The ability to have many fields so they can put their name, email

address and company name maybe. (Also if it possible to make it saved in

the exe file so when they launch it again they don't have to write down

everything again)
3. Prevent the customer from clicking on start the

sessions many times so they should be allowed one click to connect as

when they keep clicking they connect many times which is confusing for

them and for the technicians.
4. When they connect the exe window to put the name should disappear.

5. A client for Mac as well as windows.

Also what is the time frame for the next update as it is important extension and it is not been updated for long time.



5.6.x "controlled by" banner string customization / branding.

ABEN703 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

We'd like the ability to customize the "Your computer is being controlled by" notification banner added in 5.6.x.

i.e.: Setting it to "ACME representative Jane Doe is accessing your computer" and the like.

It'll curb some of the more paranoid responses that can come up if a technician connects to an asset, an end user sees the banner, and they don't recognize the name.

Considering for Future Release

Option to change description images shown to Client when downloading the App

admin 8 years ago updated by Peter Vojtech 6 years ago 5

In Customization translation in preferred language is possible without problems. However it would be nice if one could change the displayed images as well since non-english customers might get confused.


Full screen fullscreen support for the Mac client

David Norelid 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 7

The Mac client doesn't currently support real full screen. You can maximize the window, but you still have the two menu bars on top and the dock on the bottom, eating screen real estate and forcing your window to be pillarboxed.

Can you please get real full screen support like we have on the PC? When I connect in with the Mac I want to use my remote PC like I'm in front of it, not through a window.


Suspend My Input = Suspend Synced Clipboard

Matt McGuire 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Can we have the option of disabling the synced clipboard when `Suspended My Input` is active?

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Matt,

In 6.2, having suspend host input enabled, disables guest and host clipboard sync.


Under Review

Reporting of Overall Computer Idle Time

TechGy 8 years ago updated by Charles 6 years ago 1

We'd like the ability to generate reports on the amount of time each computer with an Access client installed has been idle. ScreenConnect seems to track how long the current user has been idle already, but no historical data to see overall trends. Since ScreenConnect already does some of this, we'd like to use it to determine which computers have the potential to be eliminated due to lack of use.

Considering for Future Release

Allow different LDAP servers/LDAP ports to be used for authentication based on the client's IP address range.

DWPSupport 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

Would like to use a different LDAP server/LDAP port combination when the authentication request to our ScreenConnect webpage is coming from outside of out local network.