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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Preview Availability based on client installer config or group

Scott Corley 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4 1 duplicate

I have some Access groups that the "Preview" thumbnail is essential and other groups where it is a liability and we can not allow it to be available. Currently you can only config the setting globally. Perhaps making this option based on groups would be the easiest option and that would be very useful, though if we could somehow base it on the installer pkg/exe that is used that would be excellent. Though in hind sight by groups might be the only practical way to manage it.

Thank you for your consideration.!


Recent Connected Sessions

TheScottyQ (M1C) 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

We would love here to have a feature called ‘Recent Connected Sessions’ is there a way to do this please?

Not only would it make checking up on the team easier but have a tenancy as large as ours sometimes when you accidently close a session or need to get back on quickly it takes a while to find it.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Randy,

The following session group properties were added:





A request to split these out to participant (Host vs. Guest) is under review. See, https://control.product.connectwise.com/communities/1/topics/1300-add-lasthostconnectedeventtime-and-lastguestconnectedeventtime-to-session-group-variables#comment-3780

Considering for Future Release

uninstall/reinstall too close in menu

Gary Manning 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

in version 6 esp the reinstall/uninstall options are too close. maybe a blank line? I know it asks for confirmation but even so. if you have a remote server kill the install its a big problem.


Extra warning prompt when clicking end session while another agent is connected

Vince Russo 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

Several times we have two agents in a session, out of habit one agent goes to close the window and instead of clicking leave session open, they click end session, essentially booting the other agent out. It would be nice if a warning was given that another agent is in the session, are you sure you want to end the session?

Under Review

Access - Show Connected and Disconnected

DanGEvans 8 years ago 0

I have some customers that have multiple machines with the unattended access client installed upon them, usually servers.

When installed on them, my admin portal says "Customer Name" then the total number of devices with the client installed.


Business Name 14

However, it does indeed tell me I have 14 clients deployed but I would like it to say how many of those clients are connected. e.g.

Business Name 9/14

From my point of view if, for example, I know all 14 devices are servers, if I saw 9/14 I would immediately think, maybe I have a server down.

Under Review

Kaspersky Interaction

John (Armordyne) 8 years ago updated 2 years ago 44

Currently I am having issues with Kaspersky blocking my input when i connect to a customers computer. It happens using both support and access sessions.

On access sessions i can set it up before hand to allow interaction with Kaspersky but for support sessions that isn't an option as i may get a cold call from a customer with an issue. Also every time screenconnect updates i have to change the setting in kaspersky again.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi All,

The Control clients are now on Kaspersky's Whitelist, if anyone runs into an issue please let me know. 



FredLacoste 8 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 8 years ago 2

?integration with freshdesk like logmein rescue is, would be a great feature!

i'm sure it cant be that difficult to do. i saw a topic about it 2 years ago: here

Someone from the staff told in Q1 or Q2 of 2016. here we are . please do it.

Considering for Future Release

add search to the toolbox

mhighsmith 8 years ago updated by jford 2 years ago 7

we have several tools in the toolbox. it would be nice to be able to search and filter on the tools

Under Review

Add ability to customize chat message color on Host page > Messages tab

Michael Legato (Support) 8 years ago updated by simplepccare 6 years ago 1 1 duplicate

Partner would like the ability to customize the color of the messages on the Messages tab of the Host page to make a more prominent distinction between the Guest and Host messages.


Considering for Future Release

Run Toolbox as Elevated by default

Johnny 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Have the ability to change if all items (or maybe certain items) in the toolbox are run as ELEVATED by default rather than right clicking to do it.