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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Move the end button away from join

Larry 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

The "END" link on the Host screen for Access connections really needs to have an "are you sure" dialog to prevent folks from permanently disconnecting a remote host. I know it says that it will permanently disconnect the host, but fact the link is right next to Join, Edit and More diminishes the importance of this action. Maybe move the END button to the More section to make it harder to find.


make a group by the Session Groups with all pc's that have a chat in the last 24 hours, etc

shaul 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 4

make a group by the Session Groups with all pc's that have a chat in the last 24 hours, etc


Ability to add notes directly in session

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 3

Partner would like the ability to add notes when in a session

User Story:

When a partner is working on a guest machine, it would be nice if notes could be added without going to Host Page->Notes.

This may work as a menu item (Notes) with a text box to enter.


Add option allowing custom-defined wallpaper when a Host connects

Administrator 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

Partner would like to display a custom wallpaper while host is connected to guest machine.

1) Custom wallpaper would be defined by Administrator


"Denied" message to host when a guest does not consent to a session

Administrator 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 5

Partner would like to have a configurable message when a guest denies consent.

User Story:

When a technician attempts to connect to a machine and a guest denies consent to the technician a message should appear to the host that the connection has been explicitly denied.

It would also be beneficial if the message can be customized, or the guest could add a note.

consent host_client notification
anonymous 7 years ago

We alert hosts in client when a guest denies consent and we encourage communication through the client chat to learn why it was denied. See below. 


Add a "delayed" consent option that allows a host to connect an "x" number of times or during a certain time period

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 5

Partner request is to allow a guest to set limits on the host's ability to connect by time or number of connections to the guest machine.


Add Android soft buttons to the host client

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 5

Partner request:
When connected to a Samsung Guest, provide an on screen Home button that the Host can use. As it stands now, the Guest must press home on the device or technician has to press Home Key on Host keyboard.

1. Provide a menu or toolbar option that when connected to an android device will allow you to select the Home, Back, and menu soft keys for Android.

android mobile samsung

Add parameters to the "run tool" feature.

Larry 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

If not, I think this would be a really useful since most tools you would run without connecting to a session probably need some parameter (ie, /silent, /output=program.log, /id=XYZ)
I have work arounds to this functionality now - but "run tool" is still most useful as an on-the-fly tool for technicians and the workaround involve packaging a tool and basic script together into 1 file - which is obviously not usually quick.

Pending Review

unattended access for android without user intervention

JasonScoltock 2 months ago 0

While you have a feature called unattended access for android it isnt truely unattended access as someone has to select either single app or entire screen. If there was a way to select entire screen automatically it would me for example it could be used on android device running kiosks

Pending Review

Support for IPv6

Nasir Bashir 4 months ago 0

Please add support for IPv6 in ConnectWise Control.