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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Session Group Filter for a service in stopped state

Tino Gitakis 4 months ago 0

one useful feature of Screen Connect is when I find a machine with Automate agent service/LTService in "stopped" state, I can then start that service from the services tab

would be great to be able to make a session group with the filter checking for LTService in stopped state (or any named service in any state)

Pending Review

Shared Clipboard from host to remote session pasting numbers as a picture.

Dylan Palmer 5 months ago updated by Max F 1 month ago 3

 Not sure if there was an recent update to connectwise but copying a cell from excel file on host computer to paste into remote session excel file it tries to paste as picture and not the contents. Can use Clipboard Key Strokes to get the correct info but is an extra step and slower to paste information.

Pending Review

Plain Text passwords stored in web.config

tlehnhardt 8 months ago 0

Credentials stored in the web.config for the application should not be stored in plain text, they should be encrypted.   Passwords for SMTP and Active Directory are visible 


Please bring back the dates and times in the Connection Timeline

C W 9 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 1

Why did someone decide to change the date and time in the Timeline to violate most auditing rules and at the same time, make that feature less useful?   

I used to be able to go into the timeline and get ACTUAL dates and times of connections and logins, which was not only helpful for me to audit technician access and compare to time entries, but also sending screenshots to clients when they had questions or concerns.    

Now we get some arbitrary "4 days ago" which means nothing when you're trying to send someone a screenshot.   Or, now to compare connect times to time entries, I have to open a calendar app and go back and forth and do math constantly.  

Probably one of the dumbest changes I have ever seen.    


To view the full date, you have 2 options:

1) Hover over the value in the timeline

2) View the item in the audit log

Pending Review

Add the ability to collapse ticket notes individually

Larissa Franco 10 months ago 0

On some tickets, it happens that we have a substantial number of communication with 3rd party (such as MS) and quite often, every email is made of the threads of previous communication. Given that, it can be difficult to follow, find info or simply navigate.

If we were able to to collapse/expand notes in ticket, that would help.


Pending Review

Consent to connect - deny access after auto consent countdown

CH-VS 12 months ago 0

Currently if using unattended access agent, guest receives Consent to Connect prompt which auto connects after consent countdown. Would like for certain access groups to deny access if guest doesn't accept prompt.

Pending Review

Android Unattended Access

dshimes 1 year ago 0

This would be beneficial when using a Android device as a door sign for several conference rooms to be able to remote in and change something without have to remove it from the mount, click allow and then hang it back up.  Unattended access would avoid all that and I could change several of the signs in minutes instead of have to run to each one.

Pending Review

GUI warning / guard rails for settings that will reboot instance

Irshad Mallick 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 1

Learnt the hard way that changing settings for the 'Mail' service actually restarts ALL CW:C services, essentially taking down the instance.  Can a banner or confirmation prompt be added to warn that changing settings for 'Mail' be added, as well as other places in the Settings that are liable to cause downtime?

Pending Review

Passkey Authentication

Christian Malcolm 1 year ago 0

A significant amount of time is lost every day with logging in. Would be great if ConnectWise could implement passkeys to speed up access to services.

Pending Review

Screen Connect picked up as a virus

Jaco Lange 1 year ago updated by Craig Silver 5 months ago 1