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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

session group audit

JosephGees 1 year ago 0

Please add the ability to see audit logs for added and deleted session groups

Pending Review

Ability to force chat window forward

Red 1 year ago 0

I work for an MSP and use ScreenConnect for all our tenents.  A lot of our tenents use Windows RDS.  This means that even the taskbar is hidden and we have to resort to other methods of communications to contact them.  Other times, somehow, users can just not see the chat window notification flashing in the task bar.  Giving us an option to force the Window forward from either the dashboard or via the cli would allow us to provide much faster support for issues.

Pending Review

ConnectWise Control Access for mobile devices configurable via Microsoft Intune

Jeremie 1 year ago updated by JL Brocx 1 year ago 1

Presently, there's no way to configure ConnectWise Control Access for mobile devices via Microsoft Intune. I have a client presently that's co-managed and would like to replace some workstations with tablets and they have to manually setup everything. The application can automatically be deployed, but there's zero configuration within Intune.

Pending Review

split monitors and scale to fit screen and taskbar but not full screen

Wally 2 years ago updated by Cazz0r 1 year ago 3

how do you make it so that it automatically scales to the borders and just above the taskbar but not full-screen? it used to do that, but now it just splits without scaling to fit the borders and the taskbar.


This has been resolved in the latest 22.10 release: 


Pending Review

ConnectWise Control, ability to have custom application/service name

Beh 2 years ago 0

using the appearance editor from the extension store you are able to change the logo and the task bar icon name. But we cant change the application or the service name to a custom name, its always the default ScreenConnect (xxxxxxxxx). This feature would be great. Last time i tried Automate I was able to make these changes, so it should not be hard to have Control do this too. 

Pending Review

host pass management

Allen Anderson 2 years ago 0

Would it be possible to get some type of Host Pass management? For example:

1. View all current host passes.

2. History of passes created.

2. Revoke individual host passes.

3. Extending/decreasing lifetime of a current passes.

4. Only allow specified public IP's to use host passes to help eliminate unauthorized use of the link.        

5. Any other method that could isolate the link to an specific individual.

Thank you,

Pending Review

Remote MAC updates

Mihai 2 years ago updated by gil pdo 2 years ago 0


It seems that remote updates for MAC devices are not working with Connectwise Control at the moment. Is it possible to implement this feature?

Currently, when you click on "Updates" in the right panel, for MAC devices you can only see the "Updates loading" message and they never load.


Image 1131

Pending Review

Page in Admin section to view all the queued tasks & reinstalls, with ability to see active tasks, move priority or delete tasks.

MPCS AZ 2 years ago 0

I know you can click an individual client and view the pending tasks. But I'm requesting an overall server side tab in the Admin section that would show me in one tab all the tasks the server is working on in one page.

-See the priority of tasks and which ones it's currently working on

-Be able to move tasks to the top of the priority

-Be able to delete tasks that I don't want anymore.


Halo ITSM Integration with ConnectWise Control

DanB 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

This seems like an easy integration and they already support a number of other remote support application integrations.