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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Configure and push notification to client PCs

fabian gino 2 years ago 0

We would like to have a feature where you can configure and push notification popup to client PCs. This function should also be able to configure schedule push notifications. For instance, when you have client PCs on different time zone/location and we would like to notify users to not turn off their machine for system updates and maintenance.

Pending Review

MAC OS built-in Keyboard Shortcuts

Kenneth Spizer 2 years ago 0

Image 1089

MAC has built in function to set keyboard shortcuts for APPs. I have set them and keyboard shortcut shows in menu after setting. 

Image 1090

However, they do not work for your app. I submitted a ticket and was told to submit a feature request.
Service Ticket#16295906/otoit/MAC Keyboard shortcuts not working. Send Clipboard Keystrokes (For Reference) 

Pending Review

Include the user information in the payload of the EventType "RanCommand"

Mau 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

The webhook payload of the EventType "RunCommand" does not include information of the user executing the command.


If I run the remote command "dir" on a host listed under the "Access" section, without connecting to it first, I receive the payload with the event, but it does not include any information referencing my user.

It's extremely important that we identify who is executing remote commands.

Pending Review

CW Control report on computers that have stored credentials

crshovrd41 2 years ago updated by Hayden-Grant 2 years ago 6

This is a giant security gap that I have no way of knowing which computers have stored credentials. Please let us run a report to see which computers have credentials stored. 

Pending Review

Add Ability to Allow/Block Certain User Agents From Login(IE. Linux)

Wesley123 2 years ago 0

Request to allow only certain User Agents to Login (Like Windows Chrome, Windows Mozilla) and block others (IE. Linux Chromium)
Looking to white list only Windows logins for our use case. 


My audit log shows a very persistent brute forcer trying to guess user names. Always comes from different IPs and always from a Linux user agent. We only user Windows and want to prevent all other login attempts. 

Bad login, brute force attempt:

User Name:admin
User Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686 on x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2820.59 Safari/537.36
User Source:Cloud

Valid login attempt:

User Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Pending Review

Create a role permission to lock the creation of new fields when building Access agents

mpaige 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 0

This role permission would prevent new companies from being create by accident when not selecting the already prefilled company. So when you type in Design only these fields would be able to be selected a new company couldn't be created like "Design"

Image 1056

Pending Review

Custom Send Address on Cloud Instance

Dominick 2 years ago 0

I contacted support since we are moving from on-prem to cloud. In the cloud it is not possible to have MFA codes sent from a custom mailbox. Before we were able to use our domain to send codes out using the Advanced SMTP settings. Now they are only coming from screenconnect.com no matter what. This is problematic when white-labeling a product. Please allow the same functionality the on-prem version has. 

Pending Review

correctly populate fields on trigger of new access agent connecting

Steve Bootes 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

I want to set a trigger to tell us when a new Access agent has connected (so we can monitor when new machines are added when we deploy agents using GPO/RMM).

When we do this now, only a couple of properties are actually populated, but the most useful ones like Session.Name, Session.GuestMachineName are blank because (apparently) the trigger is firing before these object properties are fully populated.

Ideally the trigger needs to be delayed until the Session object properties are fully populated.

Pending Review

Use users download or %temp% folder for (Toolbox) programs/applications instead of users Documents folder

Stefan Farnik 3 years ago updated by gasket93 5 months ago 1

We do have Known Folder Move (KFM) in place where users Documents are moved (redirected) to OneDrive.

Now whenever we launch a tool (which is run in user context) it is downloaded and stored in the users Document folder.

(which gets synced to users OneDrive, which is not even necessary)

Info from Support:

"When you run a tool from the shared toolbox, the tool will be downloaded to a temporary folder on the guest's machine. When the session has ended, the client attempts to delete the downloaded tool from the temporary folder."

Ultimately, when it is deleted again, users are seeing this notification from OneDrive:

Image 1024

Would it be possible to specify the temporary folder for the tools ? Ideally this should be users Downloads or %temp% folder.

Can we have this folder configurable as a setting? I assume that other customers will see this as well. Or will start to see once they´re using embracing KFM (probably in conjunction when they jump on Win11).




Allow users to submit bug reports, not just feature requests

nathan levandowski 3 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

It would be nice if users were allowed to submit bug reports and not just feature requests. When trying to access the page to submit bug reports here: https://control.product.connectwise.com/communities/6-bug-reports  I get this error:

Sorry, this forum is private.

We cannot show this page, because you don't have permission.

Reason: You don't have permission to view this forum.