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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Force user logoff when users closes Screen Connect session with X

Eric Koster 8 years ago 0

Users are closing the session either by clicking the X in the corner or leaving the session open in the back ground and closing later using the X resulting in the users still having a active console session on the server. Since Screen Connect does not use RDP all Microsoft options to end idle sessions fail as it still shows as being active or disconnected console sessions.

Pending Review

Automatically clear saved credentials

yahmylo 8 years ago updated by Kevin Tuinstra 4 years ago 7

For security we would like the ability to enable a feature that would automatically clear stored credentials when we disconnect from a session.


Sound notification when guest connects to support team not just a trigger email

Ahmed Deghiedy 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 6

Have a sound notification when a guest user connects through the website or guest connect desktop client instead of just getting email through a trigger for a better response time from technicians

Under Review

Add Font Name & Size as property in Appearence

Michael Francis 9 years ago updated by Marko Milutinovic 4 years ago 4 1 duplicate

Besides creating an entirely new theme, just the ability to adjust the font size and possibly chose an available web font would be useful. In places where a session name is larger then it needs to be on a public list.

Pending Review

Control Access install - remove duplicates

Casey G 5 years ago updated by jon 4 months ago 13


We use an imaging service to manage our new machines. When we image a laptop, we include the Access install file so as to enable remote control easily. When we re-image a laptop that had Access already installed, it re-installs just fine but it creates a duplicate entry in our Control hub. The old installs are duds and never reconnect to the machine. They are easy to clear out but this is time consuming. Please add a way to have the install file check for a duplicate and either delete the old session or reconnect the install to the old connection.

Thank you!

Pending Review

We would love Jira service desk Intergration

JakeM 6 years ago 0

We would love Jira service desk Intergration if that would be possible. 

Under Review

View and/or Report for finding and cleaning up duplicate sessions

Joshua Fredrickson 7 years ago updated by Peter OTools 8 months ago 16

We often have multiple sesions listed in the console for the same computer.

I normally will right click on the older ones listed that are no longer valid and choose end session.

It would be nice to have a report or view that shows the duplicates and allows for easier cleanup.



Considering for Future Release

Different video file format for screen recording

Kelvin 8 years ago updated by Sean Keown 9 months ago 3

The avi file format is very large and hard to process, can we get the option of choosing a different video file format which is more compact?

Considering for Future Release

Ability to broadcast message (not with chatbox) to multi users to take attention on something

Mehmet Ali Demirci 8 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 5 years ago 13 1 duplicate

We have 500 users, and there are many things happening like we have to inform/warn the user about something like virus spread, stop the thing to do etc. So we need a attention windows that can be broadcast to multiple users at a time. the chat windows can do the similar however the users can reply the chat and some dont know the situation and starts to reply and the things get complicated. So just an attention window to be appeared infront of the user at the middle like a warning message. This message can be text or jpg/png boosted. And yes for the offline machines, the screenconnect must assign a flag to them so that when they are online/connected the msg will broadcast at that time...

Under Review

Be able to cancel Send Clipboard Keystrokes command

kuuser 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 9

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or bug report so I'll post it in both. If your clipboard has a lot of text (like you just copied an email's contents) and you think you're pasting a password when it actually is the keystrokes, it will keep pasting the keystrokes even after Windows tells you the password is incorrect and try again, and will persist even if you disconnect and reconnect to the Screenconnect session, making it impossible to connect to the computer until it finishes emptying the long clipboard into the multiple password prompts. It would be nice to be able to cancel the sending of the clipboard, or not continue pasting after closing and reopening the session.



Thank you for raising your concern here. We have an extension which may help you with your problem. Try installing 'Clipboard Helper' from Extensions MarketPlace and start using it.