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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Some app.config settings on a per user basis

David Norelid 8 years ago updated by Brandon Wilcox 5 years ago 13 2 duplicates

I'd like to see more settings available on a per-user rather than per-endpoint basis. One example:

I use SC to do remote support for my clients. I'm almost always connecting in when they're there, so I never want to blank the monitor. I've provided access to SC for a client who wanted access to their own PC, so i created a user, customproperty with their name to give them access to their PC only, all that jazz. They can log in and use SC to connect to their PC and only their PC. They want the ability to blank on connect by default because they'll only be connecting to their PC when they're out of the office, so they don't want anyone snooping around and looking at what they're doing remotely. However, this is the same SC install on their PC that I connect in to when I support them while they're in the office, so I don't want it to blank. Setting the app.config on their computer would make it so that no matter who connected, they'd get blanked, which isn't ideal. If the preferences were attached to the user, then they'd get the blanking default they wanted, no matter the computer they connect from or into, and I'd get my non-blanking that I want.


Provide simple utility for a guest to disable and re-enable SC Java and .Net client locally.

steinway 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 5 months ago 32 13 duplicates

There is such a utility available for Windows. Some of our customers feel more comfortable deciding when they want our techs to have access to their computers. A simple toggle that can be placed on the Mac desktop that they can double-click on and off for Macs would be nice.

Under Review

Clear Chat History for a Single Client

P C 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

On the admin portal, it is very helpful to see ALL of the chat history with a client. There are times where the client relays sensitive information (such as passwords) through chat. For that reason, it would be nice to clear all chat history (or at least redact individual messages) for a SINGLE client (without uninstalling and reinstalling the client).

Considering for Future Release

Change title bar text with custom session variables

jrewolinski 6 years ago updated by Sascha Skeries 4 years ago 4

I would like the ability to customize the active session Title Bar, so that it can display additional properties assigned to the session, such as assigned user.  When working on multiple new computers at a time, it would be great to easily see more than just the PC name to easily distinguish between eachmachine.  I realize we could just edit the session names, but that's not practical, and I can see this being useful in other scenarios as well.  Such as IT contractors supporting multiple companies, and having the ability to show the company name, and other information in the Title Bar.

Under Review

Allow users to set and reset their own 2FA

David Geddes 6 years ago updated by gprscrprs 3 years ago 7

I might be missing something, but it doesn't make sense to me that the administrator would need to set up the 2FA (i.e. Google Authenticator) for users, and then figure out how to securely transfer the 2FA token to the users.  I don't know any other service that works this way.

Is there some way to just require 2FA for all users, and then have them be prompted to set it up for themselves on first log-in?


Default Simple Code functionality back.

BMSI 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 30

Since the upgrade creating a simple support session for clients has become significantly more involved.

The Process:

Click Create

Type Simple Code

Click Start

New Process:

Click Create

Type Session Name

Click Code Actions

Click Change Code to Name

Click Join

While five steps is only two more steps than three. When supporting hundreds of customers on a daily basis these additional steps add up to more time spent.

I am sure you have the best intentions for your upgrade and I understand you have many different companies using your system in many different ways. For our company we create ad-hoc sessions for each customer and used the simple code method to make the name of the session the name of the customer. Making it easy for our support staff as well as easy for our customers to join.

Having a setting or configuration that automatically makes the code the same as the session should help resolve my issue and should be very helpful to your other customers.

anonymous 7 years ago

We are still actively working on the issue that's preventing extensions from being published. I will follow-up with you through email with more details. 

Once the issue has been resolved, I will publicly announce so in this thread.

Thank you all for your patience.  

Under Review

Support for xwayland

TylerF 7 years ago updated by cbray 2 months ago 17

The Client requirements page says that xwayland may not work due to a known bug. This, however, isn't a bug. It's a security feature of wayland, not allowing apps to run wayland backend components as root.

It would be great if the screenconnect client could be made to work with policykit, so that it works under xwayland. Wayland is the current realty of fedora, and the coming reality of RHEL. This will be an increasing need.


specific database maintenance

MerijnB 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 11 3 duplicates

We have some unattended machines far abroad with lousy internet connections. The result is that these machines tend to disconnect and reconnect continuously throughout the day.

The many events on the timeline for these machines seems to be the cause for the web interface being unresponsive. When we select one of these machines, a response time of more then 30 seconds or the browser complaining the script is frozen is not unusual.

It is clear that we should severely trim the events in this timeline for these machines. The problem is that we use the timeline (and notes) for most machines for administration purposes, so we can't use the database maintenance option which will remove all old timeline events and notes for all machines. We need to remove specific items (timeline events) for specific machines, it seems this is currently not possible.


Prompt to lock remote computer when disconnecting

Retail Point 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 20 3 duplicates

When leaving a remote session, we would like to have a prompt ask if we want to lock the remote computer or leave it unlocked.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hey All,

An extension was built that will allow specifying what machines lock on disconnect (*only applicable to Windows OS). Specification is defined through a custom property.

Under Review

ITGlue Integration for Passwords

Brett 8 years ago updated by GreeneIS-Dave 8 years ago 2

With the new PassPortal integration, it would be pretty slick to have ITGlue integration for the same purpose of pass filling from the SC screen.