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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Two-Factor authentication for AuthAnvil

Larry 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 13 1 duplicate

Partner would like to have two-factor authentication for AuthAnvil

Pending Review

usb forwarding

Dan DiMuzio 4 years ago updated by Eli@Mavidea 2 years ago 8 1 duplicate

Can you please add ability to connect to remote USB devices. Trying to use a 3D space mouse from home to operate with Solid Edge software at work.

Considering for Future Release

Add support for U2F/FIDO as a two-factor authentication method.

Matthew Thompson 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 7

Currently Connectwise Control supports the following 2FA types: Email & SMS, Google Authenticator, YubiKey, Microsoft Authenticator, LinOTP, Duo Security.

It would be great if we could have U2F (Universal Two Factor) authentication added. While the Yubikey OTP option is available, it means non Yubikey hardware devices cannot be used.

Google is about to launch its own security key: The Titan security key.

Obviously browser support is a bit of an issue at the moment, but it has not stopped Google, Facebook, Dropbox among others from launching support of U2F. 

For your consideration. 


Considering for Future Release

Add ability to run ScreenConnect in WinPE

Shannon Brooks 6 years ago updated by Phillip Banks (Computer Guy) 5 years ago 11

We use Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) to deploy our windows installs. Sometimes we build a Windows PE disk with a custom image and ship it off to a remote site so they can reload their workstations. It would be really handy if we could put ScreenConnect into one of our WinPE builds so when they boot off the disk it automatically calls home and starts a support session. Then we could get the remote installation connected to VPN and kicked off.

I think to make this work we would need a x86 and x64 build of ScreenConnect that can run in WinPE.

Considering for Future Release

add dynamic ip block for the login page, against brute force logins

Yves 8 years ago updated by Phill 7 months ago 18

we authenticate through Active Directory, but our public login page is sometimes attacked by brute force attempts, so some AD accounts are locked.

It would be great if ip could be banned after some bad attempts.


Allow for a choice between legacy consent method and the newest one-time consent until restart method

JVergo 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 21 4 duplicates

The recent update changes the way consent to control works. Now, it only requires consent for the first time connecting, and allows for connecting to the machine over and over without consent there after until the session is ended, service started, or possibly with a reboot. The original method required consent each time the tech connects to that PC.

The new consent method is a huge HIPAA concern, especially with LabTech users using the ScreenConnect integration, as connecting this way does not allow for easily ending the session.

The resolution would be to give us the option to switch between the concent method, that way everybody is happy, and people who are invovled in HIPAA-sensitive environments do not need to explore moving away from ScreenConnect and opting for a different solution.

Under Review

Skip Frames when Bandwidth not enough/Client CPU is slow

Michael Bannerman 9 years ago updated by Karl Brown 9 years ago 3
Considering for Future Release

Develop a native support/access desktop client for OS X / Linux

Matthew Thompson 7 years ago updated by Jonathan Mepham 4 years ago 7

My suggestion is simple in theory: Create a native support and access client for Mac OS X and Linux, rather than relying on Java.

For the developers, this is a pretty radical suggestion, one to which I am sure the developers of this software will groan upon reading.

Put simply: This is remote support software. It is used to support users. It should be as simple and trouble-free as possible. The server software is fine, but the client should have no annoying dependencies like Java or the .NET CLR. For Windows, the .NET client is fine because all modern Windows computers have it installed (if I was using this software 5 years ago, I would question this, though). 

I have spent far too much time fiddling with Linux because the robot class is flawed in later versions of the JRE 7 and 8. The OS X client is also hideous compared to the Windows one.

Has the flawed robot class alone prompted you guys and girls to question why you continue to rely on Java?

Is it really so radical to ask for native clients on OS X and Linux?


Freshservice Integration

Greg Spanner 8 years ago updated by Delpiero B. 2 months ago 41 1 duplicate

You already have an integration piece for Freshdesk but I use Freshservice which is made by the same company and just offers more of a complete product in ,line with the ITSM suite. COuld you develop integration for FreshService as well?

Under Review

Autotask helpdsek Integration

bill 8 years ago updated by Justin Meader 3 years ago 7

ability to integrate a remote session and time into a autotask ticket