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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

tunnel non-screenconnect traffic between a host and guest machine

Márcio Isidro 8 years ago updated by Sean Keown 5 months ago 13

Some vendors offer the possibility to send requests to the client machine via the connection made. in this case I want it to be possible to make requests to the client machine through the connection made.

Under Review

Add Command Prompt tab to SC Session Windows

J T. Elliott 8 years ago updated by Peter OTools 6 years ago 15

I love the functionality of the system level command prompt from the Web GUI. Could this feature be extended to the actual session window as a tab? Would be incredibly useful.

Considering for Future Release

Intergrated sip client to bridge meeting voip with phone gateway.

Vince Russo 8 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 7 years ago 7

Just a simple sip client that would automatically dial into your companies PBX so that you can use your conference room function of your pbx and bridged it to your Screenconnect voip.

Pending Review

Code sign Connectwise Control .dll's

RobD 1 year ago updated by ITSourcePro 5 months ago 9

When a new version of the Screenconnect client is released & installed, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Attack Surface Reductions' rule "Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion" denies the libraries from being used as they have no reputation.

This is expected behavior as a new version of the client being released globally is seen as "unknown" by Microsoft Security products.

The executables are not being flagged as low reputation as they are digitally signed & Microsoft have "established trust" with the code signing certificate in use.

Our request is to please sign the .dll's as well, without this digital signature, Microsoft wont "trust" the new files straight away which causes issues until enough devices globally have the client installed & Microsoft's systems learn / trust them.

It also enables us to create a trusted code signing certificate "Indicators", excluding any executable & dll from ASR rules etc, preventing these types of issues.


Image 1175

Support case reference #01401061

Considering for Future Release

Ability to export list of internal users, with company name

David Geddes 6 years ago updated by Gerardo Jay Vargas 1 year ago 12

We use "Access" licenses to give our clients remote access to their own machines.  It'd be helpful if:

(1) user accounts had a field for "Company" so that we could track which account was linked to which client

(2) the ability to export a list of users, including that company name, in some form (XML, JSON, CSV, XLSX, whatever)


Sign macOS app

Alex Hart 6 years ago updated by James Logan 2 years ago 99 1 duplicate

In order to deploy macOS privacy preferences policy via MDM/DEP, the macOS app in Mojave that needs exceptions must be signed. Otherwise, a user has to create exceptions to allow remote control via ConnectWise Control, which isn't ideal. I don't want to have to sign your app to get the payload pushed out to create the exceptions from our management software. If you signed your apps like other developers, this would be much easier for all users, like those of the Addigy and JAMF communities. 


Add user locked out due to too many failed attempts to login failure reason codes

Ryan 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3 2 duplicates

Also, would like to see some indication of a locked out user on the Admin/Security page and the option to unlock the account. 

Under Review

limit security group to a max concurrent sessions

Brian Signet 9 years ago updated by Mike Waldron 2 years ago 4

We would like to be able to limit the concurrent sessions of a security group so that one group does not consume all available licenses on the server.

eg. Server licensed for 10 sessions, group A has 5 max and group B has 5 max so we don't have to let group B disconnect group A when they consume all sessions.

Pending Review

Keyboard shortcut for "Send Clipboard Keystrokes"

Thomas W 1 year ago 0

I know there is already another request open for this but it was suggested by a support tech I create a new one. 
This is pretty simple, please create a shortcut key for "Send Clipboard Keystrokes" rather than having to use it from the top menus.
Maybe something like CTRL+SHIFT+V

It has been requested for many years and surely isn't hard to do. It would make things quicker logging into servers all the time pasting passwords into the login screen insetad of using the menu. But also we often paste passwords once we are inside sessions too and would prefer not to share the clipboard with sessions (too easy to copy a admin 365 password or something for us to use and it ends up in the clients clipboard history too).


Add setting to allow Backstage to not lock when Lock on disconnect is enabled

Jpafundi 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 8 1 duplicate

Backstage option to prevent auto lock just for Backstage 


Added in Version 23.2
If Lock on Disconnect is enabled,

  • Switching from a non-Backstage logon session will lock that machine.
  • The host disconnecting will lock that machine.

If Lock on Connect is enabled,

  • Switching to a non-Backstage logon session will lock that machine.
  • The host connecting will lock that machine.