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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Add support for Conditional Access for the host client app on mobile (Android/iOS)

Stefan Farnik 4 years ago updated by Mikel 4 years ago 2

if you move the authentication outside the app and ditch the embedded browser, this would then work.

The reason behind it: we use Conditional Access to only allow registered and enrolled devices to Intune to our corporate data - ConnectWise Control included. The embedded browser however is not able to detect the state of the device, so it stated that it is not enrolled (even though it is) and thus the authentication fails and claims that you are not allowed to access the requested resource.

For further questions, please ask Microsoft.

(same would apply for other apps of yours as well ...)


Add Support for TLS 1.3 in Mono for Linux Self-Hosted Systems

J Copeland 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 30

Please add proper support for TLS 1.3 in Mono so that Chrome/Firefox users don't have to disable TLS 1.3 to make ScreenConnect work.

Related KB: https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Technical_support_bulletins/Can_no_longer_load_Control_website_after_updating_Chrome


The community has had success with a workaround for this issue. This may work for your situation. https://tylermade.net/2017/05/04/easy-ssl-for-screenconnect-with-nginx-reverse-proxy/



Ability to convert a support session to an Access session

Dusty 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4 1 duplicate

While in a session, have a button that will install a persistent connection on the remote PC. Then you can disconnect and come back at any time to get access to the PC.

Considering for Future Release

Add ability to schedule a reboot for a future time

Michael Legato (Support) 8 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 3 years ago 8

Partner is requesting the ability to schedule a reboot for a future time (similarly to how LogMeIn allows this). He is aware that the shutdown command can be used (or scheduled tasks on the OS), but would like this natively done in the Host page of SC.



Ability to configure polling interval for unattended if server goes offline

Administrator 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 14 2 duplicates

Partner would like to configure polling interval to allow guests to reconnect faster if server has been offline.

User Story:

If the ScreenConnect server is offline for an extended period, the polling interval for guest clients increases on each failed attempt. Partners would like to configure this so machines can connect back faster.

Pending Review

Fix confusing DUO login interface for Control

Pchong 3 years ago updated by Francis Lessard 6 months ago 9 1 duplicate

Control prompts for DUO pin and then send a push to the associated user's phone app. You must then click allow on the app and then click next on the Control interface with a blank passcode. 

We would like the option to actually select PUSH and the push to go through without the extra confusing pin prompt. Or be able to put in pin if we so choose. 

Pending Review

Expose option to revert Consent to previous where you could reboot or use the Windows "Switch User" without re-prompting

Shannen 3 years ago updated by David van der Kuijp 3 years ago 12

Previously once you received consent from a User you where able to use the Windows "Switch User" feature or reboot their machine and when it reconnected you would still have consent.

Since upgrading to the latest ScreenConnect and LabTech as soon as you select "Switch User" it kicks you out advising the user need to Consent again, this also happens when rebooting a users machine.

This is step BACKWARDS for support because alot of the time you are working on a users machine at a time that's convenient to them which means they are away from the machine and if you have to switch to your Administrator account or reboot to apply a change you cannot continue to work on the device but have to wait till they return to re-consent ... which leads you wasting more of the customers time when you could have already had it fixed / tested your fix.

Pending Review

Pinned/Favorited Hosts

Max Lareau 4 years ago updated by seguse 4 weeks ago 6 3 duplicates

It would be great if we had the ability to pin certain machines to a section of the ScreenConnect web app (i.e. top section of the host list). I often have to access a batch of machines for a few days, then access a different batch of machines. Searching for them works well, but it would be great if I could simply double click on pinned/favorited hosts right from the host list.

Thanks for your consideration!


Have on-off toggle switch on the titlebar of Host client to disable/enable clipboard sync

David T 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 9

Considering viruses, and more security/clipboard trackers are coming into being we should have a on/off switch constantly visible (and toggle-able) that explicitly turn the clipboard sync on/off independent of the "Suspend my Input" function.



It's only a matter of time before clipboard monitoring for passwords because a standard feature of the malware suites.

Something like: 

Under Review

Remove printers from disconnected sessions

CHIV 7 years ago updated by capos 3 years ago 5

I would like to suggest the logic to be added or changed for removing printers. I opened a case with support that informed me of 3 scenarios that keep "stale" printers "stuck" on a computer.

The full article is here: https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Get_started/Host_client/Remote_printing_overview but the 3 points it makes are:

Printers left on a remote machine
There are three cases in which a host's printers will still be visible on a remote machine after a session:

A host loses connectivity during a session
A host reboots the remote machine and disconnects from a session before the machine has rebooted
A host switches user accounts before disconnecting from a session

So, OK, I can see how we get into the situation of printers being left behind...But these are all common scenarios. Most IT departments, particularly on servers will LOG OFF before disconnecting the remote session, causing printers to be left behind. The SC technician provided me some commands to remove the printers manually, but if I can run the commands, why can't ScreenConnect simply perform the same function to remove the mapped printers after a host is disconnected.

In summary, this request is to have ScreenConnect remove printers after host disconnects (properly or improperly). Maybe this can be a timeout that is set on the ScreenConnect server.