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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Minimize data usage in Mobile host when not open or disconnect host when closed

Steven Dove 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

I've used up my data several times now after connecting to a Control session and closing the window for the connection. The app keeps me connected, however and hours later I leave WiFi and my data is eaten very quickly. But I don't open the app at all during that time. The host app should not need to pull data like that when it is not in use, and preferably closing the client should disconnect my host instead of leaving it open in the client app. I don't actually use the app to view sessions, I use the site.


Scheduled maintenance for cloud instances

Simon 5 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 4

I saw the notice that there will be a maintenance scheduled for November 26, between 8 p.m. and 12 a.m. EST.

But unlike the previous maintenances, instances hosted in Australia and New Zealand will have maintenance performed on November 28 at 2:00 a.m. AEDT.

I assume this is so that the maintenance occurs outside of business hours for those customers in Australia and New Zealand.

In that case, could you move the maintenance on Cloud Region as1 (Tokyo) to 2am AEDT as well?

And not just for this one, but also for future maintenances too?

I know 8pm-12am EST is outside of business hours for the Americas and Europe, but that's precisely morning to afternoon in Asia.

2am AEDT, on the other hand, will be outside of our business hours as well.

Sean White 5 years ago

It will also include Tokyo region, will see if we can get that message updated.

Pending Review

Send voice commands via connect wise

mbijjaragi 5 years ago 0

I should be able to send the voice commands from the connect-wise. 

use case: if any voice assistant (Google, Alexa, Cortana, etc) is installed on the machine I should be able to send the voice commands to the machine using connect-wise remotely. 

Pending Review

Add permissions to access installed clients so not all console clients can access

Michael Whalen 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

We would like to deploy the wise connect agent to all machines however our compliance team would like to see a additional layer of security for higher level techs to have access to filter and connect to a client that has a wise connect agent installed.

Under Review

Consent approve request - Push to mobile device

PEI Surgical 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1


At present to approve any consent requests for access to a server I also need to logon to the server via ConnectWise and click on the grant consent button on the popup. It would be great if a push request could be sent to a mobile device or email and approved directly here rather than having to logon and approve on the server.



Pending Review

Add "Device Type" as an option for Session Groups filter.

Ed Vasquez 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

The Start section for each device has 5 fields: Name, Company, Site, Department and Device Type. It would be beneficial to be able to specify if the devices are Clients or Servers by using the Device Type field information in Sessions Filter as well. There are times when the computer name does not specify if a device is a client or server and re-naming/nicknames are not an option.

Under Review

Kerberos Authentication Support for ActiveDirectory User Source

andrew schnellback 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1


We have recently begun a round of network security hardening and are implementing the Protected Users security group feature for our accounts.


When this feature is enabled, ActiveDirectory authentication requests from ConnectWise Control are rejected by the Domain Controllers as the requests are arriving via NTLM.

In order for Connectwise Control's ActiveDirectory authentication to support the Protected Users feature, it will need to be capable of submitting Authentication requests via Kerberos.


Accounts that are members of the Protected Users group that authenticate to a Windows Server 2012 R2 domain are unable to:

  • Authenticate with NTLM authentication.

  • Use DES or RC4 encryption types in Kerberos pre-authentication.

  • Be delegated with unconstrained or constrained delegation.

  • Renew the Kerberos TGTs beyond the initial four-hour lifetime. "

Image 578

Under Review

Automated audit recording export to S3

Steven P 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

It would bee great to have a plugin that exports directly from the server to S3 on a near realtime basis. if it is a User controlled bucket we can the control the retention period. or set up more complex workflows in S3


Control server address being indexed by search engines

Imran 5 years ago updated by Sitaram 1 year ago 3

Just discovered that Connectwise server is being indexed by few search engines namely as Yahoo and bing, this should be disabled by default. In IIS it is very easy to disable it by adding  <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> or robots.txt file. However it seems impossible in Control server. This is a HUGE security risk, exposing our control server on internet. We need this to be disabled ASAP

Pending Review

Zendesk - Option to use numbers instead of letters for support codes

Niall McMahon 5 years ago updated by Mike Myers 5 years ago 1

In the Zendesk plugin you can create a session with a code but for the code it only gives you the option to use letters and numbers. It would be great to just have numbers like the standard tool for session codes as it is easier to give numbers over the phone.